1 00:00:02,319 --> 00:00:05,599 okay no 2 00:00:07,559 --> 00:00:14,280 problem I'll provide you the beginning 3 00:00:09,800 --> 00:00:14,280 of the video so you can publish it 4 00:00:43,759 --> 00:00:47,320 all 5 00:00:45,280 --> 00:00:51,239 set thank you 6 00:00:47,320 --> 00:00:54,119 Ross um I uh I'd like to make a motion 7 00:00:51,238 --> 00:00:56,759 that item five uh we need to remove that 8 00:00:54,119 --> 00:00:59,479 from the the agenda uh it wasn't 9 00:00:56,759 --> 00:01:01,799 properly published um hasn't been in the 10 00:00:59,479 --> 00:01:05,039 past year either uh there's two case 11 00:01:01,799 --> 00:01:09,719 studies that specifically uh refer to 12 00:01:05,040 --> 00:01:14,600 the uh the 8e both of which uh one uh 13 00:01:09,719 --> 00:01:17,719 when examining MCL 15 2671 MCL 15268 e 14 00:01:14,599 --> 00:01:19,599 and MC1 15269 together is clear 15 00:01:17,719 --> 00:01:22,000 legislator intended the public bodies to 16 00:01:19,599 --> 00:01:24,280 name the pending litigation before 17 00:01:22,000 --> 00:01:27,519 ending a closed session it's supposed to 18 00:01:24,280 --> 00:01:29,159 be published prior to us entering that 19 00:01:27,519 --> 00:01:32,759 um I can give you another case study 20 00:01:29,159 --> 00:01:36,040 that one was Mia versus delta um again 21 00:01:32,759 --> 00:01:38,159 here's another one um another one we're 22 00:01:36,040 --> 00:01:43,840 examining MC 23 00:01:38,159 --> 00:01:45,759 267 uh 1526 71 1526 e um together it's 24 00:01:43,840 --> 00:01:47,880 clear both of these said the same thing 25 00:01:45,759 --> 00:01:51,879 legislation said it was very clear that 26 00:01:47,879 --> 00:01:54,839 you have to name what the uh the the 27 00:01:51,879 --> 00:01:56,478 litigation is clearly and who it's for 28 00:01:54,840 --> 00:01:58,719 you can't just put uh we're going to 29 00:01:56,478 --> 00:02:01,840 enter it for litigation purposes and it 30 00:01:58,718 --> 00:02:01,839 has to be properly 31 00:02:02,118 --> 00:02:06,640 I've got those question St chuck if You' 32 00:02:03,680 --> 00:02:06,640 like them par it right here for 33 00:02:06,920 --> 00:02:14,439 you uh Chu yeah I didn't see what's on 34 00:02:11,318 --> 00:02:16,238 just it's to discuss litigation it needs 35 00:02:14,439 --> 00:02:18,000 to litigation what was actually with 36 00:02:16,239 --> 00:02:19,560 litigation we were discussing should 37 00:02:18,000 --> 00:02:23,400 have been included in that that line 38 00:02:19,560 --> 00:02:26,239 item when it was uh sent out in the 39 00:02:23,400 --> 00:02:29,680 packet uh then I would chuck speak in 40 00:02:26,239 --> 00:02:33,800 the mic so the uh I would put it on for 41 00:02:29,680 --> 00:02:35,879 the agenda you again I just requested to 42 00:02:33,800 --> 00:02:41,239 be removed from this one as all at this 43 00:02:35,878 --> 00:02:41,239 point so that it'll be posted correctly 44 00:02:43,080 --> 00:02:50,400 correct okay then what was wrong with it 45 00:02:47,239 --> 00:02:52,959 h I'm the poting it has to clearly State 46 00:02:50,400 --> 00:02:55,120 what the litigation is it can't just say 47 00:02:52,959 --> 00:02:56,319 litigation it's been incorrect for the 48 00:02:55,120 --> 00:02:57,878 last I don't know how many years that 49 00:02:56,318 --> 00:03:00,359 they went into close session it actually 50 00:02:57,878 --> 00:03:02,239 has to site yes that 51 00:03:00,360 --> 00:03:03,760 it's been in violation of the the open 52 00:03:02,239 --> 00:03:05,439 meeting act every time they've did with 53 00:03:03,759 --> 00:03:07,840 a Clos session for at least the last 54 00:03:05,439 --> 00:03:11,039 four years I know 55 00:03:07,840 --> 00:03:13,360 of let's just remove it from the agenda 56 00:03:11,039 --> 00:03:14,959 and we'll put it on and we'll get it 57 00:03:13,360 --> 00:03:16,959 corrected well we'll have to have a vote 58 00:03:14,959 --> 00:03:18,920 on it we got made a 59 00:03:16,959 --> 00:03:21,360 motion 60 00:03:18,919 --> 00:03:23,679 support Chuck before we vote on that I 61 00:03:21,360 --> 00:03:26,480 need to hear from you I think that's a 62 00:03:23,680 --> 00:03:28,640 good idea for tonight okay I I will yeah 63 00:03:26,479 --> 00:03:30,359 just to take it off tonight and then put 64 00:03:28,639 --> 00:03:32,759 it on the next agenda 65 00:03:30,360 --> 00:03:34,319 and I will double check on on what he 66 00:03:32,759 --> 00:03:36,798 saying I'll be happy to hand these to 67 00:03:34,318 --> 00:03:39,359 you if you want here's both case studies 68 00:03:36,799 --> 00:03:42,080 with the litigation and what uh the 69 00:03:39,360 --> 00:03:42,080 outcome was of 70 00:03:42,639 --> 00:03:47,639 it save you some time have to try thank 71 00:03:50,158 --> 00:03:53,919 you all right can we get a vote then to 72 00:03:52,799 --> 00:03:59,879 remove 73 00:03:53,919 --> 00:04:03,958 that yes and uh yes hi yes 74 00:03:59,878 --> 00:04:06,639 all right all yes okay so that's off the 75 00:04:03,959 --> 00:04:11,680 agenda for 76 00:04:06,639 --> 00:04:14,639 tonight all right uh any other changes 77 00:04:11,680 --> 00:04:14,640 to the 78 00:04:15,400 --> 00:04:21,800 agenda then make a motion to accept as 79 00:04:18,600 --> 00:04:27,479 uh modified 80 00:04:21,800 --> 00:04:32,199 second uh all in favor I I I 81 00:04:27,478 --> 00:04:34,519 oppose all right uh um approval of the 82 00:04:32,199 --> 00:04:40,520 consent 83 00:04:34,519 --> 00:04:43,719 agenda um minutes of uh the January 84 00:04:40,519 --> 00:04:45,439 7th are you going one by one or just as 85 00:04:43,720 --> 00:04:47,400 a package because I have a question 86 00:04:45,439 --> 00:04:50,560 about the third 87 00:04:47,399 --> 00:04:53,758 one so well let's look at questions on 88 00:04:50,560 --> 00:04:57,360 each one any questions on the regular no 89 00:04:53,759 --> 00:04:57,360 any questions on the treasures 90 00:04:58,079 --> 00:05:04,439 report no any questions on the clerk's 91 00:05:01,240 --> 00:05:06,319 warrants and bills yes and what is that 92 00:05:04,439 --> 00:05:08,360 chis on the check register I think 93 00:05:06,319 --> 00:05:10,599 that's under the clerk's well Jennifer's 94 00:05:08,360 --> 00:05:13,560 not here but if somebody else knows 95 00:05:10,600 --> 00:05:17,680 perhaps uh there's two entries one for a 96 00:05:13,560 --> 00:05:22,000 Shoemaker Services Inc M for 97 00:05:17,680 --> 00:05:24,280 $1,120 that's sh e maker and there's 98 00:05:22,000 --> 00:05:31,240 another one uh shoe maker Technology 99 00:05:24,279 --> 00:05:34,399 Group that's s h u m a k r for 39 uh 100 00:05:31,240 --> 00:05:36,759 3995 uh I'm not sure what they're two 101 00:05:34,399 --> 00:05:39,359 separate companies one is for snow 102 00:05:36,759 --> 00:05:41,560 removal for the first shoe maker like 103 00:05:39,360 --> 00:05:44,919 shoe is for snow removal snow removal 104 00:05:41,560 --> 00:05:47,439 for a parking lot and for an sad the 105 00:05:44,918 --> 00:05:49,198 second one that you see the Technology 106 00:05:47,439 --> 00:05:51,959 Group that is for our website the 107 00:05:49,199 --> 00:05:55,600 website are these monthly fees then or 108 00:05:51,959 --> 00:05:57,638 no this is the Technology Group the 109 00:05:55,600 --> 00:06:00,240 39.95 that is 110 00:05:57,639 --> 00:06:04,038 for all of 111 00:06:00,240 --> 00:06:07,120 last year up to was it 112 00:06:04,038 --> 00:06:09,240 October okay so a big part of the year 113 00:06:07,120 --> 00:06:10,959 then it's okay well I just wanted to 114 00:06:09,240 --> 00:06:13,759 make sure since it was a monthly report 115 00:06:10,959 --> 00:06:16,680 I want I didn't know if it uh so let me 116 00:06:13,759 --> 00:06:17,680 understand that approximately 4,000 is 117 00:06:16,680 --> 00:06:20,800 for a 118 00:06:17,680 --> 00:06:22,959 quarter no that's for the entire three 119 00:06:20,800 --> 00:06:27,759 quarters of the Year oh three quarters 120 00:06:22,959 --> 00:06:30,758 oh wow okay okay and it's improving yeah 121 00:06:27,759 --> 00:06:33,759 yeah it's it's get better and better 122 00:06:30,759 --> 00:06:37,038 well well this was they had not build us 123 00:06:33,759 --> 00:06:39,598 at all since the new website was created 124 00:06:37,038 --> 00:06:42,959 and so this is all of that cost all 125 00:06:39,598 --> 00:06:45,639 right as well as three quars of the Year 126 00:06:42,959 --> 00:06:48,399 okay I saw some early entries around 12 127 00:06:45,639 --> 00:06:51,000 to $1,400 very early on when we first 128 00:06:48,399 --> 00:06:53,079 engaged them but that's why the the jump 129 00:06:51,000 --> 00:06:54,560 just made me question so I just want 130 00:06:53,079 --> 00:06:57,038 thank you for the clarification well 131 00:06:54,560 --> 00:06:59,839 there there wasn't Shoemaker technology 132 00:06:57,038 --> 00:07:02,079 charges other than aide for our 133 00:06:59,839 --> 00:07:04,318 licensing agreements which is now done 134 00:07:02,079 --> 00:07:06,079 under our it okay so that's what you 135 00:07:04,319 --> 00:07:09,000 seeing but this is a completely 136 00:07:06,079 --> 00:07:10,800 different charge got thanks for the 137 00:07:09,000 --> 00:07:12,680 explanation I appreciate and so as you 138 00:07:10,800 --> 00:07:15,598 see on this check register this is 139 00:07:12,680 --> 00:07:18,639 something that I print out that it's a 140 00:07:15,598 --> 00:07:20,639 Clerk's warrants and bills Y and so all 141 00:07:18,639 --> 00:07:23,639 of these charges these are the bills 142 00:07:20,639 --> 00:07:25,240 that I pay each month Perfect all right 143 00:07:23,639 --> 00:07:27,240 thank you very much so they're not only 144 00:07:25,240 --> 00:07:30,800 necessarily a monthly bill it's just 145 00:07:27,240 --> 00:07:33,840 what was paid the month yes okay 146 00:07:30,800 --> 00:07:36,720 yes that was it for me Greg on that so 147 00:07:33,839 --> 00:07:40,598 all right all set all right well then uh 148 00:07:36,720 --> 00:07:43,160 let's uh I'm looking for a uh motion to 149 00:07:40,598 --> 00:07:47,199 approve the consent agenda all three 150 00:07:43,160 --> 00:07:51,240 items under it so moved support all in 151 00:07:47,199 --> 00:07:55,280 favor I I and 152 00:07:51,240 --> 00:07:57,240 post all right uh 153 00:07:55,279 --> 00:08:01,000 Communications um are there any 154 00:07:57,240 --> 00:08:03,360 questions in the monthly Finance 155 00:08:01,000 --> 00:08:06,279 Financial I had one question but since 156 00:08:03,360 --> 00:08:08,038 Jennifer's not here I'll uh I'll email 157 00:08:06,279 --> 00:08:10,559 her directly to see if I can get it 158 00:08:08,038 --> 00:08:13,680 answered and it's about our contingency 159 00:08:10,560 --> 00:08:15,158 percentage uh for cash on hand but I 160 00:08:13,680 --> 00:08:18,639 I'll defer that question all right how 161 00:08:15,158 --> 00:08:22,038 about uh Planning Commission meeting 162 00:08:18,639 --> 00:08:25,840 synopsis Planning Commission approved 163 00:08:22,038 --> 00:08:29,199 minutes we all set there yep all right 164 00:08:25,839 --> 00:08:31,439 Livingston County Sheriff report uh I do 165 00:08:29,199 --> 00:08:31,439 have 166 00:08:31,639 --> 00:08:38,559 have something I would like to 167 00:08:34,719 --> 00:08:43,399 say um I was looking at the 168 00:08:38,559 --> 00:08:45,239 uh all all 13 townships in the county 169 00:08:43,399 --> 00:08:49,559 and uh I 170 00:08:45,240 --> 00:08:50,759 noticed that the sheriff response time 171 00:08:49,559 --> 00:08:53,679 for our 172 00:08:50,759 --> 00:08:55,759 Township is the best of all 173 00:08:53,679 --> 00:09:00,199 13 thank you 174 00:08:55,759 --> 00:09:04,879 guys 21 minutes 21 minutes the next 175 00:09:00,200 --> 00:09:08,040 closest Township is 26 minutes so way to 176 00:09:04,879 --> 00:09:09,480 go you guys now that is the contract 177 00:09:08,039 --> 00:09:12,519 time that they're 178 00:09:09,480 --> 00:09:15,600 on the non-contract 179 00:09:12,519 --> 00:09:19,440 time we're in the middle of the pack not 180 00:09:15,600 --> 00:09:24,000 so good but still uh a great job guys 181 00:09:19,440 --> 00:09:25,640 thank you where's Ryan Josh oh all right 182 00:09:24,000 --> 00:09:29,639 thank you 183 00:09:25,639 --> 00:09:30,958 Ryan all right I uh am looking for a 184 00:09:29,639 --> 00:09:34,838 motion unless there's any other 185 00:09:30,958 --> 00:09:37,278 questions or comments for uh approval on 186 00:09:34,839 --> 00:09:37,279 the 187 00:09:37,639 --> 00:09:45,039 communications make a motion to approve 188 00:09:41,360 --> 00:09:48,120 support all in favor I I 189 00:09:45,039 --> 00:09:53,319 I all 190 00:09:48,120 --> 00:09:53,320 right so moving on to public 191 00:09:55,559 --> 00:10:01,319 comments and please state your name yes 192 00:09:58,519 --> 00:10:01,320 sir 193 00:10:03,360 --> 00:10:09,440 glad to talking here yes yes because the 194 00:10:06,240 --> 00:10:12,360 video ohood audience can't hear you if 195 00:10:09,440 --> 00:10:15,880 you don't thank you uh my name is bradz 196 00:10:12,360 --> 00:10:18,680 I live around in tyone 197 00:10:15,879 --> 00:10:21,439 Township um my comment today is 198 00:10:18,679 --> 00:10:24,039 regarding I do watch the videos at home 199 00:10:21,440 --> 00:10:26,839 I got two young boys and so I'm going to 200 00:10:24,039 --> 00:10:29,360 leave right after this public comment uh 201 00:10:26,839 --> 00:10:31,040 but I like to P bed at night which 202 00:10:29,360 --> 00:10:34,560 obsess me I to come up here in the first 203 00:10:31,039 --> 00:10:37,559 place on such a snowy nasty evening but 204 00:10:34,559 --> 00:10:42,319 um um I heard some grumblings at the end 205 00:10:37,559 --> 00:10:43,638 of last meeting um as much of a uh 206 00:10:42,320 --> 00:10:45,040 whether it was grumbling something 207 00:10:43,639 --> 00:10:47,360 formal something that might be in the 208 00:10:45,039 --> 00:10:50,480 works I'm not sure but it's to speak to 209 00:10:47,360 --> 00:10:53,519 Chris Retta um and the removal of him 210 00:10:50,480 --> 00:10:55,440 from the Planning Commission um as the 211 00:10:53,519 --> 00:10:56,799 what I understand is you're leaon from 212 00:10:55,440 --> 00:11:00,560 the board to the Planning Commission is 213 00:10:56,799 --> 00:11:02,958 that correct yeah ex official okay 214 00:11:00,559 --> 00:11:06,359 okay it's a formal term um I've got to 215 00:11:02,958 --> 00:11:08,638 say in the what six five six years I've 216 00:11:06,360 --> 00:11:11,200 lived here um well Chris and his wife 217 00:11:08,639 --> 00:11:13,639 are I would 218 00:11:11,200 --> 00:11:16,519 say you got to you got to make it quick 219 00:11:13,639 --> 00:11:21,200 Brad cuz I don't believe this 220 00:11:16,519 --> 00:11:24,360 is uh part of uh first public need to be 221 00:11:21,200 --> 00:11:26,959 the uh regards to the agenda correct oh 222 00:11:24,360 --> 00:11:29,600 I'm so sorry sorry I just wanted to go 223 00:11:26,958 --> 00:11:32,039 on record and say that I feel safer I'm 224 00:11:29,600 --> 00:11:35,360 having chrisy on the Planning Commission 225 00:11:32,039 --> 00:11:37,519 having him be the on from the board and 226 00:11:35,360 --> 00:11:43,560 thank you that's all thanks thank you 227 00:11:37,519 --> 00:11:43,560 yes sir sorry about that proed yeah 228 00:11:44,399 --> 00:11:51,879 okay are there any other public comments 229 00:11:48,799 --> 00:11:51,879 uh regarding the 230 00:11:53,958 --> 00:12:01,239 agenda we got we got two hang on hang on 231 00:11:59,039 --> 00:12:04,759 sorry if that microphone's on or not I 232 00:12:01,240 --> 00:12:08,919 don't know it's not on turn it 233 00:12:04,759 --> 00:12:11,439 on could we do I turn it I switch it on 234 00:12:08,919 --> 00:12:11,439 I'll do it 235 00:12:14,720 --> 00:12:18,600 there let's do a sound 236 00:12:27,679 --> 00:12:32,799 check there you go 237 00:12:30,720 --> 00:12:34,720 hi I've been watching the videos too 238 00:12:32,799 --> 00:12:37,679 what a disgrace the three people who are 239 00:12:34,720 --> 00:12:39,759 censored are and on the agenda I highly 240 00:12:37,679 --> 00:12:42,559 recommend the training cuz there you 241 00:12:39,759 --> 00:12:44,559 know for you three that are in trouble 242 00:12:42,559 --> 00:12:47,000 what a horrible representation of the 243 00:12:44,559 --> 00:12:50,239 township you guys are fodder for the 244 00:12:47,000 --> 00:12:54,919 hotline and so is the guy who thre said 245 00:12:50,240 --> 00:12:54,919 he eliminated the cats thank you 246 00:13:00,198 --> 00:13:04,240 anybody else Janette 247 00:13:05,000 --> 00:13:11,600 Janette so I guess we can talk about 248 00:13:07,720 --> 00:13:15,160 anything not just on the agenda no okay 249 00:13:11,600 --> 00:13:19,278 try you need need to stop it 250 00:13:15,159 --> 00:13:21,278 then please um my name's Janette and I 251 00:13:19,278 --> 00:13:23,519 would like to address the ongoing issues 252 00:13:21,278 --> 00:13:26,519 on Hogan Road which is on the agenda 253 00:13:23,519 --> 00:13:29,240 tonight okay um caused by the Gravel Pit 254 00:13:26,519 --> 00:13:31,159 traffic for one thing and problems that 255 00:13:29,240 --> 00:13:34,240 residents have been bringing up four 256 00:13:31,159 --> 00:13:37,399 years um the traffic is out of control 257 00:13:34,240 --> 00:13:39,480 signage is unclear or missing and I know 258 00:13:37,399 --> 00:13:43,278 that because I just drove it again last 259 00:13:39,480 --> 00:13:45,278 night um in the snow and accidents 260 00:13:43,278 --> 00:13:47,958 including a tragic death have made this 261 00:13:45,278 --> 00:13:50,958 road dangerous on top of that residents 262 00:13:47,958 --> 00:13:53,479 are living with constant dust noise and 263 00:13:50,958 --> 00:13:55,599 a diminished quality of life I really 264 00:13:53,480 --> 00:13:57,959 would like everyone on the board to just 265 00:13:55,600 --> 00:13:59,800 imagine yourself sitting out on your 266 00:13:57,958 --> 00:14:02,198 patio on your desk 267 00:13:59,799 --> 00:14:05,958 and going back into your house on a 268 00:14:02,198 --> 00:14:07,758 beautiful uh day in the summer but you 269 00:14:05,958 --> 00:14:11,239 can't stay out there because you're 270 00:14:07,759 --> 00:14:13,120 being bombarded with dust and noise and 271 00:14:11,240 --> 00:14:16,000 I did make a video of it and it's 272 00:14:13,120 --> 00:14:17,959 horrible what goes on there um the three 273 00:14:16,000 --> 00:14:20,278 returning board members have heard these 274 00:14:17,958 --> 00:14:22,559 concerns over and over during the last 275 00:14:20,278 --> 00:14:24,679 Administration and yet nothing was done 276 00:14:22,559 --> 00:14:27,838 so it's time for the new Administration 277 00:14:24,679 --> 00:14:30,758 to take action if the solution isn't in 278 00:14:27,839 --> 00:14:32,480 your jurisdiction then why don't we 279 00:14:30,759 --> 00:14:36,360 petition the county or the state or 280 00:14:32,480 --> 00:14:38,959 whoever is is responsible for it I'd 281 00:14:36,360 --> 00:14:41,240 like to see our board advocate for the 282 00:14:38,958 --> 00:14:44,198 people you represent they shouldn't feel 283 00:14:41,240 --> 00:14:46,399 ignored or forced to move away just to 284 00:14:44,198 --> 00:14:49,039 escape these conditions and I talked to 285 00:14:46,399 --> 00:14:50,799 a young man who lived on that road last 286 00:14:49,039 --> 00:14:54,319 year was talking to him about the 287 00:14:50,799 --> 00:14:57,039 problems he ended up selling and moving 288 00:14:54,320 --> 00:14:59,278 out of the township and he said to me I 289 00:14:57,039 --> 00:15:02,679 can't trust that my Township would do 290 00:14:59,278 --> 00:15:06,278 anything to help us with this 291 00:15:02,679 --> 00:15:08,239 problem so he sold his home and he moved 292 00:15:06,278 --> 00:15:10,439 this board has an opportunity to show 293 00:15:08,240 --> 00:15:12,879 real leadership on an issue that has 294 00:15:10,440 --> 00:15:15,399 been ignored for far too long and I 295 00:15:12,879 --> 00:15:17,958 really believe it's time to act again I 296 00:15:15,399 --> 00:15:21,519 ask you all to imagine what this would 297 00:15:17,958 --> 00:15:23,078 be like investing money in a place and 298 00:15:21,519 --> 00:15:26,560 thinking that your life is going to be 299 00:15:23,078 --> 00:15:29,559 spent here and then having your comments 300 00:15:26,559 --> 00:15:31,198 and concerns continually ignored and so 301 00:15:29,559 --> 00:15:32,679 I hope that you'll you'll all work 302 00:15:31,198 --> 00:15:34,879 together to try and do something about 303 00:15:32,679 --> 00:15:34,879 the 304 00:15:40,360 --> 00:15:43,639 situation okay 305 00:15:49,480 --> 00:15:55,920 Scott Scott dri O Lake Road um I asked 306 00:15:53,399 --> 00:15:59,919 Mr fiser the attorney for the 307 00:15:55,919 --> 00:16:00,919 um gravel pits about the situation on 308 00:15:59,919 --> 00:16:03,958 Hogan 309 00:16:00,919 --> 00:16:06,278 Road because there was um we determined 310 00:16:03,958 --> 00:16:07,359 that the application process might go 311 00:16:06,278 --> 00:16:11,679 through 312 00:16:07,360 --> 00:16:15,759 Eagle so Kevin told us that eagle was 313 00:16:11,679 --> 00:16:17,679 out checking all the dust doing test and 314 00:16:15,759 --> 00:16:21,360 they said the test come back positive 315 00:16:17,679 --> 00:16:23,519 well I felt that that's a conflict of 316 00:16:21,360 --> 00:16:25,039 interest that Eagles going to give out 317 00:16:23,519 --> 00:16:27,839 the application and come down and do all 318 00:16:25,039 --> 00:16:29,439 the testing so I asked Mr fiser 319 00:16:27,839 --> 00:16:32,399 shouldn't we get our own independent 320 00:16:29,440 --> 00:16:35,600 invest investigation and Mr fiser said 321 00:16:32,399 --> 00:16:39,240 yes he recommended it Chris I think you 322 00:16:35,600 --> 00:16:41,560 remember that so on too with us he's on 323 00:16:39,240 --> 00:16:43,039 as well so he's listening yeah I know so 324 00:16:41,559 --> 00:16:45,958 I I'm sorry I didn't know that 325 00:16:43,039 --> 00:16:49,639 appreciate that um and I said I think we 326 00:16:45,958 --> 00:16:52,239 owe these residents on this 327 00:16:49,639 --> 00:16:57,278 street the process of getting a good 328 00:16:52,240 --> 00:16:59,799 solid Health and Welfare test on what's 329 00:16:57,278 --> 00:17:02,159 damage is doing to the houses The Lawns 330 00:16:59,799 --> 00:17:06,068 and their health so I think we owe it to 331 00:17:02,159 --> 00:17:08,480 them get that independent check thank 332 00:17:06,068 --> 00:17:11,678 [Music] 333 00:17:08,480 --> 00:17:11,679 you thank 334 00:17:15,558 --> 00:17:19,038 you anybody 335 00:17:21,119 --> 00:17:26,798 else all right we will move into 336 00:17:25,240 --> 00:17:30,839 unfinished 337 00:17:26,798 --> 00:17:30,839 business you have anything 338 00:17:32,000 --> 00:17:38,279 we'll move right into uh to new business 339 00:17:34,640 --> 00:17:40,200 then and the uh number one item here 340 00:17:38,279 --> 00:17:43,160 workshop for board members to learn to 341 00:17:40,200 --> 00:17:43,160 work together as a 342 00:17:48,720 --> 00:17:55,038 team I have 343 00:17:51,679 --> 00:17:58,320 any comments about 344 00:17:55,038 --> 00:17:59,400 that on the board as the resident said 345 00:17:58,319 --> 00:18:01,319 and I believe 346 00:17:59,400 --> 00:18:03,798 um I called the city of Fenton I called 347 00:18:01,319 --> 00:18:07,000 seven different places to have this 348 00:18:03,798 --> 00:18:08,639 meeting and the City of Fenton agreed to 349 00:18:07,000 --> 00:18:09,880 let us use their conference room for 350 00:18:08,640 --> 00:18:12,400 free on that 351 00:18:09,880 --> 00:18:15,280 day so that saved money right there 352 00:18:12,400 --> 00:18:17,600 anywhere from $200 to $700 for a full 353 00:18:15,279 --> 00:18:20,359 day that the City of Fenton will allow 354 00:18:17,599 --> 00:18:20,359 it for 355 00:18:23,880 --> 00:18:29,840 free um I guess I'll speak a minute just 356 00:18:27,558 --> 00:18:32,119 because I put together the slides that 357 00:18:29,839 --> 00:18:35,678 are in the packet and 358 00:18:32,119 --> 00:18:37,839 um Greg you and Jennifer and I had that 359 00:18:35,679 --> 00:18:39,880 recorded Zoom that was shared with the 360 00:18:37,839 --> 00:18:42,119 rest of the board and Mr Bender just to 361 00:18:39,880 --> 00:18:43,760 better understand the work that he 362 00:18:42,119 --> 00:18:48,239 does 363 00:18:43,759 --> 00:18:50,480 um he works all over the state with 364 00:18:48,240 --> 00:18:54,440 municipalities to try to 365 00:18:50,480 --> 00:18:56,880 help boards like ours uh 366 00:18:54,440 --> 00:18:59,200 establish ground rules that everyone can 367 00:18:56,880 --> 00:19:00,280 come to the table and agree upon and 368 00:18:59,200 --> 00:19:02,279 improve 369 00:19:00,279 --> 00:19:05,678 efficiency 370 00:19:02,279 --> 00:19:08,038 um and I know I know this board has 371 00:19:05,679 --> 00:19:09,320 gotten off to a really rough start but I 372 00:19:08,038 --> 00:19:12,079 don't think there's 373 00:19:09,319 --> 00:19:15,000 any board member here that doesn't have 374 00:19:12,079 --> 00:19:17,038 the best interest of the township at 375 00:19:15,000 --> 00:19:19,279 heart 376 00:19:17,038 --> 00:19:21,319 um and I 377 00:19:19,279 --> 00:19:23,519 just I think we're all going to be very 378 00:19:21,319 --> 00:19:25,200 disappointed if we accomplish nothing 379 00:19:23,519 --> 00:19:27,639 because we can't communicate and we 380 00:19:25,200 --> 00:19:29,840 can't figure out how to work together 381 00:19:27,640 --> 00:19:30,600 and so to me me I know Greg I've heard 382 00:19:29,839 --> 00:19:33,359 you 383 00:19:30,599 --> 00:19:35,000 say that you had a great deal of value 384 00:19:33,359 --> 00:19:38,000 in Education and Training you and I 385 00:19:35,000 --> 00:19:41,599 share that 386 00:19:38,000 --> 00:19:44,679 um I think there's been a lot of wasted 387 00:19:41,599 --> 00:19:46,319 time and spending in the last two months 388 00:19:44,679 --> 00:19:48,320 over 389 00:19:46,319 --> 00:19:49,759 conflict if we're going to invest in 390 00:19:48,319 --> 00:19:51,200 something I think it should be something 391 00:19:49,759 --> 00:19:52,038 proactive that's going to help us figure 392 00:19:51,200 --> 00:19:54,798 out how 393 00:19:52,038 --> 00:19:57,720 to sit down and figure out what goals we 394 00:19:54,798 --> 00:19:59,918 have for this community and get to work 395 00:19:57,720 --> 00:20:03,960 um 396 00:19:59,919 --> 00:20:06,159 so that's just my my personal hope um 397 00:20:03,960 --> 00:20:09,480 which is why this is the resource I 398 00:20:06,159 --> 00:20:11,000 found that was highly regarded used by 399 00:20:09,480 --> 00:20:12,000 numerous municipalities in the 400 00:20:11,000 --> 00:20:13,679 surrounding 401 00:20:12,000 --> 00:20:17,319 areas 402 00:20:13,679 --> 00:20:19,000 um so I guess I I don't know how other 403 00:20:17,319 --> 00:20:20,960 people are feeling and what you're 404 00:20:19,000 --> 00:20:23,960 aiming for but I'm opening up that 405 00:20:20,960 --> 00:20:23,960 discussion 406 00:20:28,919 --> 00:20:33,559 comment yeah I'll definitely go a few I 407 00:20:31,558 --> 00:20:35,798 have a few comments go ahead I I'll 408 00:20:33,558 --> 00:20:39,279 close if you want to go I'm gonna close 409 00:20:35,798 --> 00:20:42,000 all right um well I'm going to I'm going 410 00:20:39,279 --> 00:20:45,079 to pose this item because I have some 411 00:20:42,000 --> 00:20:48,200 really strong reasons to do so 412 00:20:45,079 --> 00:20:50,960 um I've attended many workshops like 413 00:20:48,200 --> 00:20:54,240 this in my Global role over the years 414 00:20:50,960 --> 00:20:57,640 matter of fact this same one at least 415 00:20:54,240 --> 00:20:59,359 twice that I know of in my 37e career 416 00:20:57,640 --> 00:21:03,679 and uh this is a 417 00:20:59,359 --> 00:21:05,639 an older uh type of Workshop it's uh 418 00:21:03,679 --> 00:21:08,000 there's three primary reasons and I'll 419 00:21:05,640 --> 00:21:10,320 get to the point one team building 420 00:21:08,000 --> 00:21:15,079 workshops are not necessarily the 421 00:21:10,319 --> 00:21:18,200 solution especially um with regard to uh 422 00:21:15,079 --> 00:21:19,879 what the experts say uh we have Mark mle 423 00:21:18,200 --> 00:21:22,400 who's a project management expert the 424 00:21:19,880 --> 00:21:25,240 most popular model of Team development 425 00:21:22,400 --> 00:21:28,120 doesn't actually do what it says the 426 00:21:25,240 --> 00:21:29,120 stages are not linear clear consistently 427 00:21:28,119 --> 00:21:31,239 follow 428 00:21:29,119 --> 00:21:33,759 proportional in time nor anywhere near 429 00:21:31,240 --> 00:21:35,919 as well defined as the model 430 00:21:33,759 --> 00:21:37,519 presumes Studies by the defense 431 00:21:35,919 --> 00:21:39,919 acquisition University found that only 432 00:21:37,519 --> 00:21:43,158 2% of teams actually follow tuckman 433 00:21:39,919 --> 00:21:46,038 stages in sequence most teams experience 434 00:21:43,159 --> 00:21:48,278 dynamics that are far more complex and 435 00:21:46,038 --> 00:21:50,480 nonlinear and the conflict doesn't get 436 00:21:48,278 --> 00:21:53,119 resolved in a workshop uh it does 437 00:21:50,480 --> 00:21:55,640 require open honest conversations of 438 00:21:53,119 --> 00:21:59,959 course that's I agree with that but 439 00:21:55,640 --> 00:22:02,360 these sessions can't provide uh 440 00:21:59,960 --> 00:22:05,720 resolution I think that Workshops can 441 00:22:02,359 --> 00:22:09,359 also make things worse and if they're 442 00:22:05,720 --> 00:22:12,000 designed to to uh be a consensus 443 00:22:09,359 --> 00:22:14,759 building consensus is not something that 444 00:22:12,000 --> 00:22:17,720 necessarily is leads from a healthy 445 00:22:14,759 --> 00:22:21,038 Township Board without differences of 446 00:22:17,720 --> 00:22:24,558 opinion that uh where people have it's 447 00:22:21,038 --> 00:22:27,079 very difficult to uh to understand or 448 00:22:24,558 --> 00:22:29,960 try to agree and and the goal for this 449 00:22:27,079 --> 00:22:33,278 particular training in my experience is 450 00:22:29,960 --> 00:22:36,038 about consensus building and not solving 451 00:22:33,278 --> 00:22:40,798 the problem of mistrust and things of 452 00:22:36,038 --> 00:22:43,960 that nature so this uh these sessions 453 00:22:40,798 --> 00:22:47,798 encourage group think group think is is 454 00:22:43,960 --> 00:22:50,880 very much a prevalent here uh and it 455 00:22:47,798 --> 00:22:53,599 desires for agreement outweighs critical 456 00:22:50,880 --> 00:22:56,120 thinking and better decision making and 457 00:22:53,599 --> 00:22:58,558 I do disagree with the the presumption 458 00:22:56,119 --> 00:23:00,359 that if we don't come together through 459 00:22:58,558 --> 00:23:03,000 this training or some sort of training 460 00:23:00,359 --> 00:23:06,119 that we can't function as a team we can 461 00:23:03,000 --> 00:23:10,119 absolutely function as a team we are 462 00:23:06,119 --> 00:23:12,519 here to discuss the sides of all issues 463 00:23:10,119 --> 00:23:15,399 that are out there and that's going to 464 00:23:12,519 --> 00:23:18,079 require us to have conflict conflict 465 00:23:15,400 --> 00:23:21,679 will be part of this you cannot 466 00:23:18,079 --> 00:23:23,639 eliminate it in that sense so I don't 467 00:23:21,679 --> 00:23:25,679 think it's a responsible spend today of 468 00:23:23,640 --> 00:23:29,840 the of the taxpayer dollars the 469 00:23:25,679 --> 00:23:31,640 $3,500 that are on the table um they're 470 00:23:29,839 --> 00:23:33,879 uh they're really not designed to solve 471 00:23:31,640 --> 00:23:36,520 the conflicts and we have to solve the 472 00:23:33,880 --> 00:23:39,240 conflicts in this Township 473 00:23:36,519 --> 00:23:42,639 first before addressing this kind of a 474 00:23:39,240 --> 00:23:44,519 workshop and I think we have serious 475 00:23:42,640 --> 00:23:47,640 conflict right now going on with the 476 00:23:44,519 --> 00:23:52,359 cental resolutions that has to be really 477 00:23:47,640 --> 00:23:55,440 overcome before we do anything else uh I 478 00:23:52,359 --> 00:23:58,079 I just I don't see this as being the 479 00:23:55,440 --> 00:23:59,480 solution to this problem I've 480 00:23:58,079 --> 00:24:02,079 experienced experienced this training 481 00:23:59,480 --> 00:24:05,000 before it doesn't provide the critical 482 00:24:02,079 --> 00:24:08,079 thinking and uh and it focuses more on 483 00:24:05,000 --> 00:24:10,558 group thinking and uh uh building 484 00:24:08,079 --> 00:24:14,359 consensus which is not what we're here 485 00:24:10,558 --> 00:24:17,759 to do so what Solutions do you propose 486 00:24:14,359 --> 00:24:19,839 Chris well I propose first of all not 487 00:24:17,759 --> 00:24:21,839 creating conflict 488 00:24:19,839 --> 00:24:27,000 unnecessarily that would be the first 489 00:24:21,839 --> 00:24:30,759 one uh and the uh the idea of the 490 00:24:27,000 --> 00:24:33,679 getting over the uh over the censor 491 00:24:30,759 --> 00:24:36,359 resolutions and getting a full vetting 492 00:24:33,679 --> 00:24:39,000 of our letter in the next meeting is a 493 00:24:36,359 --> 00:24:40,079 good place to start and then we'll take 494 00:24:39,000 --> 00:24:43,079 it from 495 00:24:40,079 --> 00:24:45,839 there how do you propose that uh we work 496 00:24:43,079 --> 00:24:48,480 on building trust what do you have any 497 00:24:45,839 --> 00:24:50,519 ideas or thoughts on that is there 498 00:24:48,480 --> 00:24:53,240 anything 499 00:24:50,519 --> 00:24:57,519 anything that you've seen out there that 500 00:24:53,240 --> 00:25:00,000 can help us I will absolutely make very 501 00:24:57,519 --> 00:25:03,558 solid recommend ations once we're Beyond 502 00:25:00,000 --> 00:25:06,519 this initial trust 503 00:25:03,558 --> 00:25:08,519 issue I know that the censure is not 504 00:25:06,519 --> 00:25:10,519 really what we're talking about here and 505 00:25:08,519 --> 00:25:12,679 I know that it does factor into this 506 00:25:10,519 --> 00:25:15,599 discussion right and the ability to move 507 00:25:12,679 --> 00:25:17,798 forward I'm just kind of remind you that 508 00:25:15,599 --> 00:25:20,240 that came from actions that the three of 509 00:25:17,798 --> 00:25:23,798 you took that put us in that 510 00:25:20,240 --> 00:25:26,599 position so it's not that it is personal 511 00:25:23,798 --> 00:25:29,200 it is not that 512 00:25:26,599 --> 00:25:30,719 um certainly not that's something I 513 00:25:29,200 --> 00:25:34,240 wanted to be dealing with out of the 514 00:25:30,720 --> 00:25:37,759 gate either so we have some work ahead 515 00:25:34,240 --> 00:25:37,759 of us yes we 516 00:25:38,679 --> 00:25:43,600 do as as far as my opinion of it um I 517 00:25:42,119 --> 00:25:44,918 quite honestly was waiting to see 518 00:25:43,599 --> 00:25:47,839 whether there would be willing to talk 519 00:25:44,919 --> 00:25:49,640 about the C the letter from our attorney 520 00:25:47,839 --> 00:25:50,759 um on this centure if they had have been 521 00:25:49,640 --> 00:25:53,120 willing to do that I might have been 522 00:25:50,759 --> 00:25:55,480 more willing but have they proven quite 523 00:25:53,119 --> 00:25:57,038 distinctly that they do not want to work 524 00:25:55,480 --> 00:25:58,640 with us yet or they would have listened 525 00:25:57,038 --> 00:26:00,599 we would had a discussion on on the 526 00:25:58,640 --> 00:26:02,399 letter from our attorney by turning that 527 00:26:00,599 --> 00:26:04,918 down that tells me they only want to 528 00:26:02,398 --> 00:26:07,119 work with us if we do what they want I'm 529 00:26:04,919 --> 00:26:09,600 not willing to do that sorry I I don't 530 00:26:07,119 --> 00:26:10,719 think that's true and I think in the 531 00:26:09,599 --> 00:26:13,158 spirit of 532 00:26:10,720 --> 00:26:15,360 transparency it is appropriate that we 533 00:26:13,159 --> 00:26:18,640 provide documentation in every board 534 00:26:15,359 --> 00:26:20,959 packet for every topic of discussion and 535 00:26:18,640 --> 00:26:25,038 so that would be the proper way to do 536 00:26:20,960 --> 00:26:28,480 that the goal was you Mr Reta you wanted 537 00:26:25,038 --> 00:26:31,679 it published it will be published as 538 00:26:28,480 --> 00:26:33,519 documentation supporting our agenda so 539 00:26:31,679 --> 00:26:36,759 it's not that we're not willing to work 540 00:26:33,519 --> 00:26:38,679 or have that conversation just not now 541 00:26:36,759 --> 00:26:41,558 in the spirit of transparency that's a 542 00:26:38,679 --> 00:26:43,080 public document we must share and again 543 00:26:41,558 --> 00:26:45,119 when that gets published we have the 544 00:26:43,079 --> 00:26:46,759 discussion I may feel differently that 545 00:26:45,119 --> 00:26:48,879 you guys are willing to work and then I 546 00:26:46,759 --> 00:26:52,839 may be more act to be willing to to 547 00:26:48,880 --> 00:26:54,640 discuss the the team build because 548 00:26:52,839 --> 00:26:56,959 that's my perfect point and that's what 549 00:26:54,640 --> 00:26:59,440 my point was when you I appreciate your 550 00:26:56,960 --> 00:27:01,600 point and that and there are several 551 00:26:59,440 --> 00:27:04,519 things that we do need to discuss and 552 00:27:01,599 --> 00:27:08,879 communication is part of that um you 553 00:27:04,519 --> 00:27:11,480 yourself Mr H uh you informed me that 554 00:27:08,880 --> 00:27:12,880 you couldn't be emailed um or that you 555 00:27:11,480 --> 00:27:15,120 could be emailed but you have no 556 00:27:12,880 --> 00:27:17,440 computer to check your email and that we 557 00:27:15,119 --> 00:27:19,119 cannot contact you through your phone Mr 558 00:27:17,440 --> 00:27:23,080 Reta you said 559 00:27:19,119 --> 00:27:25,038 likewise how can we communicate with you 560 00:27:23,079 --> 00:27:26,599 email and that and that's the issue that 561 00:27:25,038 --> 00:27:30,158 that's what Chuck said last meeting he 562 00:27:26,599 --> 00:27:30,158 said the email Township 563 00:27:30,759 --> 00:27:34,519 Communications and we satisfied that 564 00:27:32,960 --> 00:27:35,960 right but if there's an emergency in the 565 00:27:34,519 --> 00:27:38,519 township we have to be able to get a 566 00:27:35,960 --> 00:27:40,440 hold of you you know if if uh the 567 00:27:38,519 --> 00:27:43,519 supervisor needs support hey look you 568 00:27:40,440 --> 00:27:46,080 guys voted down issuing cell phones and 569 00:27:43,519 --> 00:27:48,278 any other devices to get a hold of us 570 00:27:46,079 --> 00:27:51,240 and so well we've provided you with with 571 00:27:48,278 --> 00:27:52,919 the emails y but as I said uh Mr hos 572 00:27:51,240 --> 00:27:54,720 stated he doesn't have a computer he 573 00:27:52,919 --> 00:27:56,399 can't check his 574 00:27:54,720 --> 00:27:59,640 email 575 00:27:56,398 --> 00:28:01,599 so in this Spirit of working together as 576 00:27:59,640 --> 00:28:04,799 a team and communicating we we have to 577 00:28:01,599 --> 00:28:06,678 get past those issues and so you know 578 00:28:04,798 --> 00:28:09,000 I'm a little offended that you're saying 579 00:28:06,679 --> 00:28:11,000 we don't want to work with you I do want 580 00:28:09,000 --> 00:28:12,798 to work with you I have no issues 581 00:28:11,000 --> 00:28:13,558 working with you but we have to be able 582 00:28:12,798 --> 00:28:15,720 to 583 00:28:13,558 --> 00:28:18,240 communicate that's a starting point 584 00:28:15,720 --> 00:28:19,519 right there is communication so far have 585 00:28:18,240 --> 00:28:21,079 you had any issue getting any 586 00:28:19,519 --> 00:28:22,240 information me that was necessary for me 587 00:28:21,079 --> 00:28:25,119 to 588 00:28:22,240 --> 00:28:26,839 have no I'm thank you but you're 589 00:28:25,119 --> 00:28:29,199 skipping the point if there's an 590 00:28:26,839 --> 00:28:32,199 emergency it if I send you a letter in 591 00:28:29,200 --> 00:28:35,558 the e in the mail or email you're not 592 00:28:32,200 --> 00:28:38,038 going to see that so can we can we get 593 00:28:35,558 --> 00:28:40,839 back on topic uh well this is part of 594 00:28:38,038 --> 00:28:42,640 the topic conversation and we had I had 595 00:28:40,839 --> 00:28:44,519 a long conversation you told you exactly 596 00:28:42,640 --> 00:28:46,240 what I would do to try to make that 597 00:28:44,519 --> 00:28:48,839 easier I told you I'd stop on my way 598 00:28:46,240 --> 00:28:52,399 home from work two three times a week 599 00:28:48,839 --> 00:28:56,879 you're only open four days a week 600 00:28:52,398 --> 00:28:59,599 okay that wased I I would just like to 601 00:28:56,880 --> 00:29:04,559 um 602 00:28:59,599 --> 00:29:06,240 close on this uh item number one I uh 603 00:29:04,558 --> 00:29:09,200 I've been thinking about this for quite 604 00:29:06,240 --> 00:29:13,278 some time and uh 605 00:29:09,200 --> 00:29:16,720 obviously and uh the voters uh they 606 00:29:13,278 --> 00:29:18,519 voted for for people they thought could 607 00:29:16,720 --> 00:29:22,159 all work 608 00:29:18,519 --> 00:29:26,519 together and so I I have a really hard 609 00:29:22,159 --> 00:29:28,760 hard time asking them to pay for our 610 00:29:26,519 --> 00:29:30,919 training 611 00:29:28,759 --> 00:29:33,480 so that we can work 612 00:29:30,919 --> 00:29:37,200 together and 613 00:29:33,480 --> 00:29:40,360 so uh I am proposing that the only way I 614 00:29:37,200 --> 00:29:44,480 can really support this is if all seven 615 00:29:40,359 --> 00:29:48,278 of us pay for it out of our pocket 616 00:29:44,480 --> 00:29:50,278 $3,500 divided by 7 is an easy number 617 00:29:48,278 --> 00:29:52,960 $500 a 618 00:29:50,278 --> 00:29:56,440 piece I will support it if you all want 619 00:29:52,960 --> 00:29:59,079 to pay $500 a piece out of your pocket 620 00:29:56,440 --> 00:30:01,798 to do this training I don't I don't want 621 00:29:59,079 --> 00:30:04,038 to put the put that burden on the on the 622 00:30:01,798 --> 00:30:08,119 residents I think it's unfair it's not 623 00:30:04,038 --> 00:30:11,278 500 it's 500 plus my day away from my 624 00:30:08,119 --> 00:30:13,479 job that I don't get paid for so it's a 625 00:30:11,278 --> 00:30:15,278 lot more than just 500 but I'm not 626 00:30:13,480 --> 00:30:17,319 worried about the money as much as the 627 00:30:15,278 --> 00:30:19,240 principle and the effectiveness of 628 00:30:17,319 --> 00:30:20,439 training I understand that Chris just to 629 00:30:19,240 --> 00:30:22,399 let you know I'm just telling you where 630 00:30:20,440 --> 00:30:24,640 I'm coming from what about when we were 631 00:30:22,398 --> 00:30:26,959 in the zoom call that was recorded and 632 00:30:24,640 --> 00:30:29,960 you stated we couldn't do this fast 633 00:30:26,960 --> 00:30:32,519 enough and you I don't think you heard 634 00:30:29,960 --> 00:30:35,440 me I've had I've been thinking about 635 00:30:32,519 --> 00:30:39,640 this for quite some time since the zoom 636 00:30:35,440 --> 00:30:42,440 call and I just do not think it's fair 637 00:30:39,640 --> 00:30:46,000 to put the burden of this on people who 638 00:30:42,440 --> 00:30:48,640 voted for you thinking we could all work 639 00:30:46,000 --> 00:30:51,079 together that's unfair it's unfair to 640 00:30:48,640 --> 00:30:55,240 them the taxpayers have been burdened 641 00:30:51,079 --> 00:30:57,038 with excessive legal fees Greg with now 642 00:30:55,240 --> 00:30:59,159 two trustees and a supervisor 643 00:30:57,038 --> 00:31:02,038 threatening to SU do the township is 644 00:30:59,159 --> 00:31:04,320 that I am not in that lawsuit don't 645 00:31:02,038 --> 00:31:06,278 there you go there you go saying stuff 646 00:31:04,319 --> 00:31:09,278 that's not true you're named in the last 647 00:31:06,278 --> 00:31:11,638 paragraph unless I misread that I am not 648 00:31:09,278 --> 00:31:13,359 part of that lawsuit I have not even 649 00:31:11,638 --> 00:31:16,158 talked to that 650 00:31:13,359 --> 00:31:18,759 attorney I don't even I've never even 651 00:31:16,159 --> 00:31:21,200 met him I am in the letter the letter 652 00:31:18,759 --> 00:31:23,879 clearly states representing 653 00:31:21,200 --> 00:31:26,679 Chris misrepresenting things I don't 654 00:31:23,880 --> 00:31:28,639 need you to yell at me okay I 655 00:31:26,679 --> 00:31:31,440 misunderstood because you maybe you 656 00:31:28,638 --> 00:31:34,158 aren't aware that you are named in the 657 00:31:31,440 --> 00:31:36,120 last paragraph and that is on me we will 658 00:31:34,159 --> 00:31:38,039 further discuss it at the next meeting 659 00:31:36,119 --> 00:31:40,918 but my point is if we're concerned about 660 00:31:38,038 --> 00:31:45,519 taxpayer dollars we are we have to talk 661 00:31:40,919 --> 00:31:47,679 about the big picture here the big 662 00:31:45,519 --> 00:31:49,759 picture if 663 00:31:47,679 --> 00:31:51,360 taxpayers if 664 00:31:49,759 --> 00:31:53,960 taxpayers 665 00:31:51,359 --> 00:31:55,439 are thinking about how their tax dollars 666 00:31:53,960 --> 00:31:58,919 are 667 00:31:55,440 --> 00:32:02,399 spent it's either going to be in this 668 00:31:58,919 --> 00:32:04,120 spiral of conflict and legal battles or 669 00:32:02,398 --> 00:32:05,439 it's going to be working toward making 670 00:32:04,119 --> 00:32:08,038 things 671 00:32:05,440 --> 00:32:11,278 better and Chris if you have better 672 00:32:08,038 --> 00:32:14,038 resources than this by all means please 673 00:32:11,278 --> 00:32:14,038 bring them to the 674 00:32:16,000 --> 00:32:21,240 table so what do we table this until 675 00:32:19,200 --> 00:32:25,360 Jennifer's 676 00:32:21,240 --> 00:32:28,798 back vote what do you want to 677 00:32:25,359 --> 00:32:32,359 do I would say we need to table it cuz 678 00:32:28,798 --> 00:32:33,960 um I mean it's her $500 I'm asking for 679 00:32:32,359 --> 00:32:39,000 too 680 00:32:33,960 --> 00:32:42,919 so just on a side note of that um you 681 00:32:39,000 --> 00:32:42,919 know training is paid for by the 682 00:32:42,960 --> 00:32:47,600 township and so I just want to add that 683 00:32:45,200 --> 00:32:50,038 in there that this is 684 00:32:47,599 --> 00:32:52,439 training so from that 685 00:32:50,038 --> 00:32:55,638 perspective it it differs from your 686 00:32:52,440 --> 00:32:58,000 opinion right there okay um it that's 687 00:32:55,638 --> 00:33:00,240 well taken you know it use took took 688 00:32:58,000 --> 00:33:03,839 some training with MTA that was paid for 689 00:33:00,240 --> 00:33:06,079 by taxpayer dollars um you know any 690 00:33:03,839 --> 00:33:08,480 training that any board member Planning 691 00:33:06,079 --> 00:33:10,960 Commission member or you know elected 692 00:33:08,480 --> 00:33:14,038 official in the office takes that is 693 00:33:10,960 --> 00:33:14,038 covered by the 694 00:33:15,278 --> 00:33:19,440 township I make a motion we table this 695 00:33:17,720 --> 00:33:20,919 we've got a gentleman waiting who ask 696 00:33:19,440 --> 00:33:26,440 important Township business that we need 697 00:33:20,919 --> 00:33:29,759 to do um for another time support all in 698 00:33:26,440 --> 00:33:29,759 favor I 699 00:33:29,798 --> 00:33:35,240 all 700 00:33:31,038 --> 00:33:39,919 right moving on to item 701 00:33:35,240 --> 00:33:41,359 two all right thanks I um hold on um 702 00:33:39,919 --> 00:33:43,759 Ross is there something we need to do to 703 00:33:41,359 --> 00:33:45,439 get Mr Fisher online for this the hog Ro 704 00:33:43,759 --> 00:33:47,079 thing right what we're discussing he 705 00:33:45,440 --> 00:33:51,440 should be there 706 00:33:47,079 --> 00:33:53,038 and can you hear us Mr fiser yes I can 707 00:33:51,440 --> 00:33:53,880 thank you all right perfect just want to 708 00:33:53,038 --> 00:33:57,119 make 709 00:33:53,880 --> 00:33:59,919 sure thanks um all right Hogan Road 710 00:33:57,119 --> 00:34:01,638 discussion yes so let me introduce the 711 00:33:59,919 --> 00:34:04,399 topic since I was the one who asked for 712 00:34:01,638 --> 00:34:07,719 it uh as the ex official uh to the 713 00:34:04,398 --> 00:34:10,559 Planning Commission um the topic of of 714 00:34:07,720 --> 00:34:13,358 Hogan Road came up during the extractive 715 00:34:10,559 --> 00:34:15,918 Industrial um uh discussions and 716 00:34:13,358 --> 00:34:18,319 ordinance talk with the which Mr Fischer 717 00:34:15,918 --> 00:34:20,398 has kindly contributed his time and 718 00:34:18,320 --> 00:34:24,200 value in helping the Planning Commission 719 00:34:20,398 --> 00:34:27,358 craft and so uh the planning uh 720 00:34:24,199 --> 00:34:30,759 commissioner uh I'm sorry the uh the 721 00:34:27,358 --> 00:34:33,639 chair chman uh Mr Ward indicated that a 722 00:34:30,760 --> 00:34:36,960 discussion about Hogan Road truck route 723 00:34:33,639 --> 00:34:39,519 needed to be handled at the board so I 724 00:34:36,960 --> 00:34:41,760 took that as the ex officio to get this 725 00:34:39,519 --> 00:34:44,440 on the agenda for discussion here at the 726 00:34:41,760 --> 00:34:47,399 board uh since that was not something he 727 00:34:44,440 --> 00:34:50,838 said that the Planning Commission would 728 00:34:47,398 --> 00:34:54,000 uh discuss or or take care of so that's 729 00:34:50,838 --> 00:34:57,199 why we're here um a couple of things uh 730 00:34:54,000 --> 00:34:59,920 and and thank you for uh Ross and Pam 731 00:34:57,199 --> 00:35:03,399 for putting in the documentation uh that 732 00:34:59,920 --> 00:35:06,358 talks about the the legal grounds of uh 733 00:35:03,400 --> 00:35:11,680 the truck route's existence going back 734 00:35:06,358 --> 00:35:14,880 to 2002 at least uh so I appreciate that 735 00:35:11,679 --> 00:35:19,960 and um with with regard to uh court 736 00:35:14,880 --> 00:35:24,358 order uh at the time for um for what 737 00:35:19,960 --> 00:35:27,358 appears to be a company called uh spring 738 00:35:24,358 --> 00:35:30,920 aggregate which I understand no longer 739 00:35:27,358 --> 00:35:33,880 uh owns that uh Mining facility today 740 00:35:30,920 --> 00:35:39,039 it's another company called 741 00:35:33,880 --> 00:35:40,838 gbh G gbh thank you very much so um in 742 00:35:39,039 --> 00:35:42,559 bringing this together a couple things 743 00:35:40,838 --> 00:35:47,039 that I thought I would just try to keep 744 00:35:42,559 --> 00:35:49,920 in my um in my introduction here 745 00:35:47,039 --> 00:35:52,279 is I'm really 746 00:35:49,920 --> 00:35:53,920 interested we we're not here to break a 747 00:35:52,280 --> 00:35:56,319 court order if the court says we have to 748 00:35:53,920 --> 00:35:58,519 have a truck route we have a truck route 749 00:35:56,318 --> 00:36:01,358 we do have in reviewing doing ordinance 750 00:35:58,519 --> 00:36:04,800 number 38 we have lots of truck routes 751 00:36:01,358 --> 00:36:07,039 in the township so we we possibly need 752 00:36:04,800 --> 00:36:08,920 to get the Planning Commission to 753 00:36:07,039 --> 00:36:12,400 readdress the truck routes because 754 00:36:08,920 --> 00:36:14,358 there's at least five of them so um and 755 00:36:12,400 --> 00:36:17,119 not really reflective of what we have 756 00:36:14,358 --> 00:36:21,159 and could expose us uh to additional 757 00:36:17,119 --> 00:36:23,920 problems with the uh the uh gravel pick 758 00:36:21,159 --> 00:36:27,078 going in in Hartland at Denton Hill and 759 00:36:23,920 --> 00:36:30,159 uh holzworth so we we really need some 760 00:36:27,079 --> 00:36:32,720 work there but the the key would be here 761 00:36:30,159 --> 00:36:36,440 is to try to understand uh if there's 762 00:36:32,719 --> 00:36:40,039 something else we can do to reassess the 763 00:36:36,440 --> 00:36:42,838 situation the the court order uh may 764 00:36:40,039 --> 00:36:46,000 just be related to establishing the 765 00:36:42,838 --> 00:36:48,159 truck route so we we that's something we 766 00:36:46,000 --> 00:36:51,079 have to validate even if it can't be 767 00:36:48,159 --> 00:36:53,679 challenged it's a truck route period um 768 00:36:51,079 --> 00:36:56,920 we do things there's other things like 769 00:36:53,679 --> 00:36:59,239 speed limit enforcement and is it 770 00:36:56,920 --> 00:37:00,599 optional to pave and I'm not suggesting 771 00:36:59,239 --> 00:37:03,118 that any of these are things that I 772 00:37:00,599 --> 00:37:08,000 would support but uh maybe we need to 773 00:37:03,119 --> 00:37:10,039 look at engaging uh an expert in 774 00:37:08,000 --> 00:37:13,199 extractive industrial and probably truck 775 00:37:10,039 --> 00:37:17,358 routes Mr fisers who's here's with us so 776 00:37:13,199 --> 00:37:20,279 even in this discussion is to have 777 00:37:17,358 --> 00:37:22,480 potentially have Mr fiser he's done an 778 00:37:20,280 --> 00:37:24,440 excellent job for us on the ordinance 779 00:37:22,480 --> 00:37:26,599 look at this whole landscape of 780 00:37:24,440 --> 00:37:29,599 information including the or I mean you 781 00:37:26,599 --> 00:37:32,800 are an attorney Mr Fischer so um that 782 00:37:29,599 --> 00:37:35,200 might be some assistance it's not uh so 783 00:37:32,800 --> 00:37:37,960 that's part of the discussion and see if 784 00:37:35,199 --> 00:37:40,199 we can at least understand what the 785 00:37:37,960 --> 00:37:43,480 finalities of the things we can and 786 00:37:40,199 --> 00:37:46,279 cannot do uh I know that my wife and I 787 00:37:43,480 --> 00:37:48,159 drove uh Hogan Road last night we have 788 00:37:46,280 --> 00:37:51,079 truck route signs that are marked with 789 00:37:48,159 --> 00:37:53,799 30 mph speed limits on every truck 790 00:37:51,079 --> 00:37:57,519 except for one we we know that the the 791 00:37:53,800 --> 00:37:59,880 one nearest to uh uh old 23 is not is 792 00:37:57,519 --> 00:38:02,358 doesn't have it but but there's a 25 mph 793 00:37:59,880 --> 00:38:04,200 sign so we know there's a truck speed 794 00:38:02,358 --> 00:38:05,480 limit but there's questions about that 795 00:38:04,199 --> 00:38:07,439 because what do they do if they don't 796 00:38:05,480 --> 00:38:09,599 follow it and things of that nature all 797 00:38:07,440 --> 00:38:12,599 of these particular things There's an 798 00:38:09,599 --> 00:38:14,680 opportunity for us to go beyond just the 799 00:38:12,599 --> 00:38:16,760 fact that there's a court ordered making 800 00:38:14,679 --> 00:38:18,199 it a truck route to see what we can do 801 00:38:16,760 --> 00:38:20,480 to help the residents out and that's 802 00:38:18,199 --> 00:38:21,960 what I'd like to just introduce as far 803 00:38:20,480 --> 00:38:24,400 as this 804 00:38:21,960 --> 00:38:27,679 topic your 805 00:38:24,400 --> 00:38:30,559 thoughts on the board 806 00:38:27,679 --> 00:38:33,639 is there a reason this guy's on the line 807 00:38:30,559 --> 00:38:35,759 why is he on the line is he the expert 808 00:38:33,639 --> 00:38:37,559 he is ant hear from him yeah matter of 809 00:38:35,760 --> 00:38:40,800 fact he is okay I'd like to hear from of 810 00:38:37,559 --> 00:38:45,599 fact he is okay I'd like to hear from 811 00:38:40,800 --> 00:38:50,560 him okay Mr Fisher yes thank you thank 812 00:38:45,599 --> 00:38:56,119 you uh I have uh uh Ross sent me the 813 00:38:50,559 --> 00:38:57,799 2002 court order uh and um I did hear I 814 00:38:56,119 --> 00:38:59,640 had had the benefit of hearing some of 815 00:38:57,800 --> 00:39:01,680 the comments made at the last meeting at 816 00:38:59,639 --> 00:39:04,400 the Planning Commission meeting and so 817 00:39:01,679 --> 00:39:07,639 it gave me a little bit of of insight on 818 00:39:04,400 --> 00:39:11,760 things I also had the opportunity to go 819 00:39:07,639 --> 00:39:13,400 online and uh at Google Maps and look at 820 00:39:11,760 --> 00:39:16,800 uh at the 821 00:39:13,400 --> 00:39:19,079 situation and uh it looks like part of 822 00:39:16,800 --> 00:39:23,599 the road is paved and part of it is not 823 00:39:19,079 --> 00:39:26,119 paved and um and and my understanding 824 00:39:23,599 --> 00:39:30,480 that this manufactured housing project 825 00:39:26,119 --> 00:39:34,318 has uh has uh uh ballooned up to some 826 00:39:30,480 --> 00:39:37,880 degree putting more traffic uh on on the 827 00:39:34,318 --> 00:39:39,880 road and uh and so and you have this 828 00:39:37,880 --> 00:39:43,880 this order there somewhat complicates 829 00:39:39,880 --> 00:39:49,160 things but but maybe provides a good uh 830 00:39:43,880 --> 00:39:52,160 a runway for uh landing on on this uh 831 00:39:49,159 --> 00:39:56,199 topic uh if you look at the 832 00:39:52,159 --> 00:39:58,598 law uh the law uh state law and it's 833 00:39:56,199 --> 00:40:00,639 part of the traffic code 834 00:39:58,599 --> 00:40:04,519 uh 835 00:40:00,639 --> 00:40:08,039 basically uh gives both the township and 836 00:40:04,519 --> 00:40:10,759 the County Road Commission the authority 837 00:40:08,039 --> 00:40:14,199 to uh 838 00:40:10,760 --> 00:40:16,200 establish uh reasonable regulations for 839 00:40:14,199 --> 00:40:19,679 truck 840 00:40:16,199 --> 00:40:22,199 rids and uh looking at the court order 841 00:40:19,679 --> 00:40:26,759 the court order gives respect 842 00:40:22,199 --> 00:40:29,759 to uh the ordinances of both townships 843 00:40:26,760 --> 00:40:33,200 that you have as that pass through uh 844 00:40:29,760 --> 00:40:37,240 Tyrone Township from Deerfield Township 845 00:40:33,199 --> 00:40:37,239 your your neighbor and 846 00:40:37,440 --> 00:40:45,119 um uh and I know that uh reading the 847 00:40:41,000 --> 00:40:48,800 order there is reference to an 848 00:40:45,119 --> 00:40:51,400 earlier uh permit called an interim 849 00:40:48,800 --> 00:40:53,079 permit that the road commission issued I 850 00:40:51,400 --> 00:40:56,079 don't know whether that's been updated 851 00:40:53,079 --> 00:41:00,800 and my my assumption is that it has been 852 00:40:56,079 --> 00:41:02,760 updated and that's something to to uh to 853 00:41:00,800 --> 00:41:05,960 determine as part of an 854 00:41:02,760 --> 00:41:09,319 investigation but the really interesting 855 00:41:05,960 --> 00:41:11,358 thing about this the state law is that 856 00:41:09,318 --> 00:41:13,400 it doesn't designate that the road 857 00:41:11,358 --> 00:41:16,719 commission has full Authority or that 858 00:41:13,400 --> 00:41:18,639 the township has full Authority it 859 00:41:16,719 --> 00:41:22,519 basically calls 860 00:41:18,639 --> 00:41:24,159 for uh a uh Cooperative effort between 861 00:41:22,519 --> 00:41:29,759 the two two 862 00:41:24,159 --> 00:41:34,358 entities and so uh I mean my thought is 863 00:41:29,760 --> 00:41:37,480 is um what is needed here is uh as 864 00:41:34,358 --> 00:41:40,838 indicated in in the 865 00:41:37,480 --> 00:41:45,599 uh the preliminary discussion is that 866 00:41:40,838 --> 00:41:47,759 some investigation needs to be done uh 867 00:41:45,599 --> 00:41:51,838 to essentially 868 00:41:47,760 --> 00:41:53,720 establish what the situation is here in 869 00:41:51,838 --> 00:41:55,960 the township based upon the current 870 00:41:53,719 --> 00:41:58,799 conditions now you couldn't do that very 871 00:41:55,960 --> 00:42:01,079 well right now probably because uh the 872 00:41:58,800 --> 00:42:05,599 trucks aren't running so you may have to 873 00:42:01,079 --> 00:42:07,880 wait until until uh the uh gravel mining 874 00:42:05,599 --> 00:42:10,240 season opens up well they're they're 875 00:42:07,880 --> 00:42:12,559 running right now rning they're 876 00:42:10,239 --> 00:42:15,559 running well they might be running but 877 00:42:12,559 --> 00:42:19,159 they may not be running uh at 878 00:42:15,559 --> 00:42:22,039 full uh capacity yeah true okay yeah I 879 00:42:19,159 --> 00:42:25,719 me I going be wrong about that but but 880 00:42:22,039 --> 00:42:28,239 uh they I think the construction 881 00:42:25,719 --> 00:42:32,118 season um 882 00:42:28,239 --> 00:42:35,679 uh calls for more traffic Road building 883 00:42:32,119 --> 00:42:37,400 calls for more traffic uh gravel sanding 884 00:42:35,679 --> 00:42:40,000 gravel traffic and all that kind of 885 00:42:37,400 --> 00:42:44,800 thing and 886 00:42:40,000 --> 00:42:46,480 um uh so but but that would provide some 887 00:42:44,800 --> 00:42:47,680 opportunity to find the right person to 888 00:42:46,480 --> 00:42:51,440 do the 889 00:42:47,679 --> 00:42:54,159 investigation uh and get some facts and 890 00:42:51,440 --> 00:42:57,480 and it sounds like there are some very 891 00:42:54,159 --> 00:43:00,920 very uh relevant facts here that that uh 892 00:42:57,480 --> 00:43:01,639 are somewhat compelling that some relief 893 00:43:00,920 --> 00:43:04,960 is 894 00:43:01,639 --> 00:43:07,558 needed uh now you have the order and it 895 00:43:04,960 --> 00:43:10,599 it isn't a matter of needing to follow 896 00:43:07,559 --> 00:43:14,040 the order as it is because I mean that 897 00:43:10,599 --> 00:43:17,559 order is 20 plus years old uh entered at 898 00:43:14,039 --> 00:43:19,519 a different time so to speak and um uh 899 00:43:17,559 --> 00:43:22,079 in the in the court rules as your 900 00:43:19,519 --> 00:43:25,199 attorney has has mentioned to you the 901 00:43:22,079 --> 00:43:27,640 court rules contemplate the possibility 902 00:43:25,199 --> 00:43:31,480 of modifying 903 00:43:27,639 --> 00:43:34,920 uh this type of of court order uh I 904 00:43:31,480 --> 00:43:38,079 think the the likelihood of success in 905 00:43:34,920 --> 00:43:42,400 the a modification like that uh would 906 00:43:38,079 --> 00:43:45,800 require first uh having the township go 907 00:43:42,400 --> 00:43:48,720 to the road commission uh after doing an 908 00:43:45,800 --> 00:43:52,680 investigation uh presenting them with 909 00:43:48,719 --> 00:43:55,118 the state of facts and and all of that 910 00:43:52,679 --> 00:43:58,279 and um indicating that you'd like to 911 00:43:55,119 --> 00:44:01,800 work with the road commission to modify 912 00:43:58,280 --> 00:44:03,200 the ORD and that modification could take 913 00:44:01,800 --> 00:44:06,039 any number of 914 00:44:03,199 --> 00:44:09,919 forms um and when you could limited the 915 00:44:06,039 --> 00:44:12,159 amount of traffic um the amount of of uh 916 00:44:09,920 --> 00:44:15,240 trucks over a certain weight I mean 917 00:44:12,159 --> 00:44:18,199 gravel trucks are very very heavy 918 00:44:15,239 --> 00:44:20,719 extraordinary uh extraordinarily heavy 919 00:44:18,199 --> 00:44:24,118 and you could try to limit the number of 920 00:44:20,719 --> 00:44:26,199 of trucks on that road or as mentioned 921 00:44:24,119 --> 00:44:27,838 probably the best solution and I don't 922 00:44:26,199 --> 00:44:30,679 know how long 923 00:44:27,838 --> 00:44:33,440 this gravel operation is going to 924 00:44:30,679 --> 00:44:35,318 continue uh looking at at with the 925 00:44:33,440 --> 00:44:39,079 aerial photograph 926 00:44:35,318 --> 00:44:42,039 online um I mean it looks like it's had 927 00:44:39,079 --> 00:44:46,599 quite a bit of mining done already and 928 00:44:42,039 --> 00:44:49,599 uh uh so I I don't know what their what 929 00:44:46,599 --> 00:44:53,440 their inventory of resources left on 930 00:44:49,599 --> 00:44:55,720 that property is uh and of course that 931 00:44:53,440 --> 00:44:57,800 would be one of the relevant things to 932 00:44:55,719 --> 00:45:01,279 determine in an investigation 933 00:44:57,800 --> 00:45:03,519 to find out how much effort you should 934 00:45:01,280 --> 00:45:07,240 make depending upon how much longer 935 00:45:03,519 --> 00:45:09,079 they're going to be in business uh but 936 00:45:07,239 --> 00:45:12,159 uh if they're going to be in business 937 00:45:09,079 --> 00:45:14,599 for a longer time then Paving that road 938 00:45:12,159 --> 00:45:17,039 is not out of out of the question and 939 00:45:14,599 --> 00:45:18,400 I'm not suggesting that the township 940 00:45:17,039 --> 00:45:22,000 should pay for 941 00:45:18,400 --> 00:45:25,318 it uh the court order basically 942 00:45:22,000 --> 00:45:28,800 contemplates the operator of that Gravel 943 00:45:25,318 --> 00:45:33,279 Pit uh pay money to maintain the road 944 00:45:28,800 --> 00:45:35,119 now maintain is it seems from from this 945 00:45:33,280 --> 00:45:35,960 testimony and so forth that we've heard 946 00:45:35,119 --> 00:45:40,800 so 947 00:45:35,960 --> 00:45:42,358 far uh and I'm just to some degree uh 948 00:45:40,800 --> 00:45:45,800 speculating of course because I don't 949 00:45:42,358 --> 00:45:49,719 know all the fact but it seems to me 950 00:45:45,800 --> 00:45:53,720 that that uh the road as it's currently 951 00:45:49,719 --> 00:45:57,558 maintained obviously is not maintained 952 00:45:53,719 --> 00:46:00,480 adequately and uh and it may it may not 953 00:45:57,559 --> 00:46:01,880 be feasible to maintain it adequately 954 00:46:00,480 --> 00:46:03,880 with all the traffic on it and 955 00:46:01,880 --> 00:46:07,000 particularly all the trucks that are 956 00:46:03,880 --> 00:46:11,599 passing over it it may require payment 957 00:46:07,000 --> 00:46:12,599 and and and I would suggest that that uh 958 00:46:11,599 --> 00:46:14,838 the road 959 00:46:12,599 --> 00:46:19,039 commission uh would have the authority 960 00:46:14,838 --> 00:46:22,199 to lean on that on that gravel operator 961 00:46:19,039 --> 00:46:25,358 to do the payment to to finance the pay 962 00:46:22,199 --> 00:46:28,078 now it's possible that that the township 963 00:46:25,358 --> 00:46:29,920 could assist in that process process 964 00:46:28,079 --> 00:46:33,519 by 965 00:46:29,920 --> 00:46:35,358 uh again if if the if the process the 966 00:46:33,519 --> 00:46:39,280 operation is going to continue for a 967 00:46:35,358 --> 00:46:41,799 long time uh the to Bay assist by 968 00:46:39,280 --> 00:46:43,280 issuing a uh a special assessment 969 00:46:41,800 --> 00:46:46,480 reading a special 970 00:46:43,280 --> 00:46:48,559 assessment uh and then bonding pay 971 00:46:46,480 --> 00:46:50,679 Paving the road and then the grapple 972 00:46:48,559 --> 00:46:54,400 operator could pay a certain amount each 973 00:46:50,679 --> 00:47:00,239 year uh in installments to pay off the 974 00:46:54,400 --> 00:47:03,760 bond uh and that you May well be uh the 975 00:47:00,239 --> 00:47:06,879 best solution uh to this situation now 976 00:47:03,760 --> 00:47:11,240 if the road commission won't cooperate I 977 00:47:06,880 --> 00:47:13,559 mean that then would kind of put you you 978 00:47:11,239 --> 00:47:17,639 know have you'd have to shift gears and 979 00:47:13,559 --> 00:47:20,040 go back to court and uh you'd be able to 980 00:47:17,639 --> 00:47:22,358 tell the court that you were Tred to 981 00:47:20,039 --> 00:47:24,920 achieve the road commissions cooperation 982 00:47:22,358 --> 00:47:28,639 and haven't been able to get it uh and 983 00:47:24,920 --> 00:47:31,200 here is are the the conditions that 984 00:47:28,639 --> 00:47:33,440 essentially sound to me like nuisance 985 00:47:31,199 --> 00:47:35,318 public nuisance conditions which are 986 00:47:33,440 --> 00:47:40,200 like you know the worst thing known to 987 00:47:35,318 --> 00:47:43,920 bind and um uh and 988 00:47:40,199 --> 00:47:47,519 so you you be able to ask the court to 989 00:47:43,920 --> 00:47:52,358 amend the order to require the road 990 00:47:47,519 --> 00:47:56,159 commission to uh have them pay the road 991 00:47:52,358 --> 00:47:57,838 of of uh and offer the the Township's 992 00:47:56,159 --> 00:48:00,838 cooperation 993 00:47:57,838 --> 00:48:02,000 uh in the financing process with with a 994 00:48:00,838 --> 00:48:05,239 special 995 00:48:02,000 --> 00:48:07,760 assessment uh so you know without 996 00:48:05,239 --> 00:48:11,159 without the paving 997 00:48:07,760 --> 00:48:14,800 um it seems to me that that you're 998 00:48:11,159 --> 00:48:17,118 you're you're allowing this operation to 999 00:48:14,800 --> 00:48:19,160 take people's property away from them 1000 00:48:17,119 --> 00:48:23,039 and uh although again I don't know all 1001 00:48:19,159 --> 00:48:25,078 the details but it sounds like that and 1002 00:48:23,039 --> 00:48:28,279 when you know when when 1003 00:48:25,079 --> 00:48:30,440 inadequate uh r ation and control occurs 1004 00:48:28,280 --> 00:48:33,920 and people are allowed to do that that 1005 00:48:30,440 --> 00:48:36,240 uh that gives rise to the opportunity 1006 00:48:33,920 --> 00:48:39,680 for a court to step in and and uh take 1007 00:48:36,239 --> 00:48:41,078 charge of it but you know as I said it's 1008 00:48:39,679 --> 00:48:43,318 been 20 plus 1009 00:48:41,079 --> 00:48:47,359 years uh and 1010 00:48:43,318 --> 00:48:50,000 um uh conditions have apparently changed 1011 00:48:47,358 --> 00:48:52,119 and the condition current situation is 1012 00:48:50,000 --> 00:48:54,798 conditions are unbearable 1013 00:48:52,119 --> 00:48:57,358 so you know people can't go outside at 1014 00:48:54,798 --> 00:49:01,119 their homes and things like that 1015 00:48:57,358 --> 00:49:05,318 and there have been uh fatal accidents 1016 00:49:01,119 --> 00:49:09,000 it's worth uh pursuing and so you know 1017 00:49:05,318 --> 00:49:13,679 my my suggestion is to number one find 1018 00:49:09,000 --> 00:49:16,519 find an appropriate expert that uh that 1019 00:49:13,679 --> 00:49:22,279 shouldn't you know cause cause the 1020 00:49:16,519 --> 00:49:25,880 township to uh go broke uh and then uh 1021 00:49:22,280 --> 00:49:28,200 formulates uh a position and and your 1022 00:49:25,880 --> 00:49:32,160 position made be in the form of an 1023 00:49:28,199 --> 00:49:36,078 amended ordinance 38 for Hogan 1024 00:49:32,159 --> 00:49:39,039 row and and there are other townships in 1025 00:49:36,079 --> 00:49:40,720 the state that have passed ordinances 1026 00:49:39,039 --> 00:49:42,920 for pass through 1027 00:49:40,719 --> 00:49:45,480 roads and so that's really what this 1028 00:49:42,920 --> 00:49:47,000 would amount to is that that the road 1029 00:49:45,480 --> 00:49:48,519 commission and and that's one of the 1030 00:49:47,000 --> 00:49:50,960 reasons why you have a Road Commission 1031 00:49:48,519 --> 00:49:53,480 because it you know it cuts across all 1032 00:49:50,960 --> 00:49:57,599 of the uh the political boundaries of 1033 00:49:53,480 --> 00:49:59,159 townships and uh and and they should be 1034 00:49:57,599 --> 00:50:01,838 they should be the 1035 00:49:59,159 --> 00:50:05,719 Peacekeeper uh and and Problem Solver in 1036 00:50:01,838 --> 00:50:07,318 a situation like this so uh so number 1037 00:50:05,719 --> 00:50:11,480 one is you know 1038 00:50:07,318 --> 00:50:15,480 great get it get a good expert to do uh 1039 00:50:11,480 --> 00:50:17,318 research and whatnot to uh uh put 1040 00:50:15,480 --> 00:50:22,240 together a package maybe an a vended 1041 00:50:17,318 --> 00:50:24,000 ordinance uh 38 U or something else and 1042 00:50:22,239 --> 00:50:25,959 take back to the road commission see if 1043 00:50:24,000 --> 00:50:27,199 you can get a deal with the road 1044 00:50:25,960 --> 00:50:29,880 commission 1045 00:50:27,199 --> 00:50:31,558 uh undoubtedly you want the gravel 1046 00:50:29,880 --> 00:50:34,200 operator to sit at the table at some 1047 00:50:31,559 --> 00:50:38,079 point in time and then 1048 00:50:34,199 --> 00:50:40,879 um uh if that doesn't work uh then then 1049 00:50:38,079 --> 00:50:44,440 go back to court to modify that 1050 00:50:40,880 --> 00:50:47,119 order that's so that's basically my my 1051 00:50:44,440 --> 00:50:51,480 recommendation uh on this 1052 00:50:47,119 --> 00:50:53,160 situation thank you Mr fiser maybe I'm 1053 00:50:51,480 --> 00:50:55,000 naive for asking this what kind of 1054 00:50:53,159 --> 00:50:58,039 expert are we looking for and what kind 1055 00:50:55,000 --> 00:51:01,000 of studies should we be asking for for 1056 00:50:58,039 --> 00:51:04,239 well I I would say like an expert 1057 00:51:01,000 --> 00:51:07,000 planner that um you know that that deals 1058 00:51:04,239 --> 00:51:08,838 with Community planning and and 1059 00:51:07,000 --> 00:51:13,318 Community conditions I to be the same 1060 00:51:08,838 --> 00:51:15,960 kind of uh uh expert and you you have an 1061 00:51:13,318 --> 00:51:18,199 expert already as far as I can tell uh 1062 00:51:15,960 --> 00:51:19,559 you know planning expert that I've seen 1063 00:51:18,199 --> 00:51:24,960 at some of your other 1064 00:51:19,559 --> 00:51:27,079 meetings um and um uh you know they 1065 00:51:24,960 --> 00:51:29,838 would be the they would 1066 00:51:27,079 --> 00:51:33,400 the type of expert that would 1067 00:51:29,838 --> 00:51:36,239 um uh give you recommendations if you 1068 00:51:33,400 --> 00:51:39,000 had a new a proposed grapple money you 1069 00:51:36,239 --> 00:51:44,838 know what what what would the conditions 1070 00:51:39,000 --> 00:51:48,119 be uh for authorizing this uh a gravel 1071 00:51:44,838 --> 00:51:49,880 mining operation using the hall rout 1072 00:51:48,119 --> 00:51:52,160 what what kind of conditions would be 1073 00:51:49,880 --> 00:51:55,200 placed on the use of the H and and 1074 00:51:52,159 --> 00:51:58,519 that's a you know a traditional 1075 00:51:55,199 --> 00:51:58,519 Community planning function 1076 00:51:58,880 --> 00:52:04,440 we also need like environmental impact 1077 00:52:00,960 --> 00:52:08,280 studies and dat data of that 1078 00:52:04,440 --> 00:52:09,960 nature um I think I would uh try to just 1079 00:52:08,280 --> 00:52:12,119 work with the planner first and I mean 1080 00:52:09,960 --> 00:52:14,119 the planner may say we need it but you 1081 00:52:12,119 --> 00:52:15,280 know I don't know all the conditions to 1082 00:52:14,119 --> 00:52:18,720 know for 1083 00:52:15,280 --> 00:52:22,160 sure that uh an environmental impact 1084 00:52:18,719 --> 00:52:24,000 study is needed but it's possible it's 1085 00:52:22,159 --> 00:52:26,879 I'm certainly not saying that you don't 1086 00:52:24,000 --> 00:52:30,000 need it but uh I think of you know 1087 00:52:26,880 --> 00:52:32,480 working with the planner first would be 1088 00:52:30,000 --> 00:52:32,480 uh 1089 00:52:32,838 --> 00:52:38,358 important I think it's been said in the 1090 00:52:35,119 --> 00:52:41,838 past too that we can't 1091 00:52:38,358 --> 00:52:43,639 regulate here because the gravel mine is 1092 00:52:41,838 --> 00:52:46,838 located in another community and what 1093 00:52:43,639 --> 00:52:48,838 I'm hearing you say is our Township does 1094 00:52:46,838 --> 00:52:51,719 have the right to some degree to 1095 00:52:48,838 --> 00:52:53,318 regulate a pass through route in 1096 00:52:51,719 --> 00:52:55,959 collaboration with the road commission 1097 00:52:53,318 --> 00:52:59,079 is that correct that's that's correct 1098 00:52:55,960 --> 00:53:02,119 and I mean when you think about it um 1099 00:52:59,079 --> 00:53:03,920 you know the T the the two things that I 1100 00:53:02,119 --> 00:53:07,760 have to say about that number one would 1101 00:53:03,920 --> 00:53:09,880 be um when an application is made for 1102 00:53:07,760 --> 00:53:11,720 gravel mining it's made to the to the 1103 00:53:09,880 --> 00:53:15,880 community where the Gravel Pit is 1104 00:53:11,719 --> 00:53:18,239 located but it's obvious that that uh 1105 00:53:15,880 --> 00:53:20,559 part of the consideration by Statute and 1106 00:53:18,239 --> 00:53:21,919 just about all ordinances is that you 1107 00:53:20,559 --> 00:53:24,720 have to look at the hall Road well the 1108 00:53:21,920 --> 00:53:28,000 hallroad doesn't end at township lines 1109 00:53:24,719 --> 00:53:33,078 and so uh you know that is something 1110 00:53:28,000 --> 00:53:34,760 that is uh must must be uh addressed and 1111 00:53:33,079 --> 00:53:37,000 the entity to address it would be the 1112 00:53:34,760 --> 00:53:40,160 township that is being 1113 00:53:37,000 --> 00:53:43,280 impacted uh the other part of that is 1114 00:53:40,159 --> 00:53:46,159 that um uh number two is that in the 1115 00:53:43,280 --> 00:53:48,798 2002 consent judgment both townships are 1116 00:53:46,159 --> 00:53:51,519 parties and so that's you know that's 1117 00:53:48,798 --> 00:53:54,519 already um uh something that's been 1118 00:53:51,519 --> 00:53:54,519 recognized 1119 00:54:01,318 --> 00:54:04,199 does anyone else have 1120 00:54:04,519 --> 00:54:12,199 questions nope not for him I do for 1121 00:54:07,960 --> 00:54:13,159 right uh Mr fiser this is Chris again um 1122 00:54:12,199 --> 00:54:15,759 is 1123 00:54:13,159 --> 00:54:18,239 there something else I have on my notes 1124 00:54:15,760 --> 00:54:20,960 was about to ask you about the 1125 00:54:18,239 --> 00:54:25,239 engineering of the road the capability 1126 00:54:20,960 --> 00:54:28,480 to handle the kind of traffic uh that's 1127 00:54:25,239 --> 00:54:31,838 there today and we have a bridge 1128 00:54:28,480 --> 00:54:35,318 involved uh that goes over a creek we 1129 00:54:31,838 --> 00:54:38,838 have uh you know the foundations of the 1130 00:54:35,318 --> 00:54:40,639 road as to uh playing a role uh over the 1131 00:54:38,838 --> 00:54:43,078 years to whether that can handle is this 1132 00:54:40,639 --> 00:54:45,078 something we would have to also engage 1133 00:54:43,079 --> 00:54:50,400 an engineering firm that would help us 1134 00:54:45,079 --> 00:54:52,240 to understand uh well in my my in my 1135 00:54:50,400 --> 00:54:56,400 opinion 1136 00:54:52,239 --> 00:55:01,039 um and I again I R all of facts but my 1137 00:54:56,400 --> 00:55:03,358 op is that that uh if you were able to 1138 00:55:01,039 --> 00:55:06,558 make this adequate case that this road 1139 00:55:03,358 --> 00:55:09,078 is inadequate now and needs to be 1140 00:55:06,559 --> 00:55:11,000 modified and hopefully 1141 00:55:09,079 --> 00:55:14,519 paved 1142 00:55:11,000 --> 00:55:16,798 um then the engineer that would create 1143 00:55:14,519 --> 00:55:20,960 the specifications for the paving or 1144 00:55:16,798 --> 00:55:26,000 Improvement would would do that study 1145 00:55:20,960 --> 00:55:29,079 okay so Mr fiser in in in an effort to 1146 00:55:26,000 --> 00:55:35,358 get the ball rolling on this 1147 00:55:29,079 --> 00:55:38,280 um uh I guess I'm uh I'm looking for uh 1148 00:55:35,358 --> 00:55:43,119 a motion to get 1149 00:55:38,280 --> 00:55:46,640 the uh ball rolling with the planning 1150 00:55:43,119 --> 00:55:48,838 um with our with our Planning Engineer 1151 00:55:46,639 --> 00:55:53,078 or what what what's your recommendation 1152 00:55:48,838 --> 00:55:57,400 here yeah your Township planner um and I 1153 00:55:53,079 --> 00:56:03,119 can't remember what the what the firm is 1154 00:55:57,400 --> 00:56:06,200 and McKenna uh and uh and I just by 1155 00:56:03,119 --> 00:56:08,318 coincidence I was working with a planter 1156 00:56:06,199 --> 00:56:11,159 from McKenna today and I know that and I 1157 00:56:08,318 --> 00:56:14,639 worked with the McKenna firm for many 1158 00:56:11,159 --> 00:56:19,199 years um is they they have a lot of 1159 00:56:14,639 --> 00:56:21,038 experts in various areas and uh you know 1160 00:56:19,199 --> 00:56:23,399 the the planner that might attend your 1161 00:56:21,039 --> 00:56:25,400 meetings could have all the expertise in 1162 00:56:23,400 --> 00:56:29,240 the world that you need on the other 1163 00:56:25,400 --> 00:56:33,000 hand there may be other planners uh in 1164 00:56:29,239 --> 00:56:35,159 that firm uh that that uh that could be 1165 00:56:33,000 --> 00:56:37,519 identified that would be you know the 1166 00:56:35,159 --> 00:56:41,318 best person to work on something like 1167 00:56:37,519 --> 00:56:43,280 this that it involves um impact on roads 1168 00:56:41,318 --> 00:56:46,920 all right so I mean that and and I would 1169 00:56:43,280 --> 00:56:49,039 talk to talk to to the you know the 1170 00:56:46,920 --> 00:56:51,000 person that is your representative and 1171 00:56:49,039 --> 00:56:52,960 this is a Planning Commission function 1172 00:56:51,000 --> 00:56:54,519 that we would engage them and have this 1173 00:56:52,960 --> 00:56:58,519 done through the Planning Commission do 1174 00:56:54,519 --> 00:57:00,880 you think or is this at LEL still okay 1175 00:56:58,519 --> 00:57:04,358 yeah i' say you know I mean the Planning 1176 00:57:00,880 --> 00:57:07,240 Commission is really in my in my 1177 00:57:04,358 --> 00:57:11,679 experience you know uh designed to deal 1178 00:57:07,239 --> 00:57:13,558 with with uh creating ordinances and uh 1179 00:57:11,679 --> 00:57:16,239 reviewing plans and you know Master 1180 00:57:13,559 --> 00:57:17,400 plans creating master plan and reviewing 1181 00:57:16,239 --> 00:57:19,959 development 1182 00:57:17,400 --> 00:57:21,920 proposals uh to make sure that they 1183 00:57:19,960 --> 00:57:25,039 comply with the master planine and 1184 00:57:21,920 --> 00:57:26,798 ordinances and and really this goes this 1185 00:57:25,039 --> 00:57:30,839 is really a 1186 00:57:26,798 --> 00:57:34,759 uh an after the fact problem solving 1187 00:57:30,838 --> 00:57:39,000 Adventure here that is uh more suited to 1188 00:57:34,760 --> 00:57:41,359 the Township Board okay thank you all 1189 00:57:39,000 --> 00:57:44,480 right I'll make a motion to engage 1190 00:57:41,358 --> 00:57:47,199 McKenna to help us yeah and I will re I 1191 00:57:44,480 --> 00:57:51,599 will reach out to 1192 00:57:47,199 --> 00:57:54,679 them McKenna to get the ball rolling if 1193 00:57:51,599 --> 00:57:56,960 you guys if you guys want me to I'll 1194 00:57:54,679 --> 00:57:59,399 second that motion yeah can in that 1195 00:57:56,960 --> 00:58:01,159 correspondence can we ask him to include 1196 00:57:59,400 --> 00:58:03,720 some kind of cost estimate too just so 1197 00:58:01,159 --> 00:58:05,118 we know when we discuss it again what 1198 00:58:03,719 --> 00:58:08,358 the scope of what we're asking them to 1199 00:58:05,119 --> 00:58:08,358 do and what it's going to cost 1200 00:58:08,480 --> 00:58:14,358 and yeah I mean I I don't know well we 1201 00:58:12,960 --> 00:58:15,599 have to go through requirements and 1202 00:58:14,358 --> 00:58:17,598 everything but that's absolutely 1203 00:58:15,599 --> 00:58:19,880 appropriate see if they absolutely we're 1204 00:58:17,599 --> 00:58:22,720 going to have to but let's give us that 1205 00:58:19,880 --> 00:58:25,119 uh you know I think this motion is just 1206 00:58:22,719 --> 00:58:28,598 to engage just to get stuff started 1207 00:58:25,119 --> 00:58:31,119 engage spend any money yet that's at Le 1208 00:58:28,599 --> 00:58:33,519 that's what I understood yeah but 1209 00:58:31,119 --> 00:58:36,599 because they may not want to do such a 1210 00:58:33,519 --> 00:58:39,199 thing so you know at least exactly begin 1211 00:58:36,599 --> 00:58:41,359 the conversation see what so I have a 1212 00:58:39,199 --> 00:58:44,719 motion be happy I'd be happy to 1213 00:58:41,358 --> 00:58:47,679 participate in a in a conference call or 1214 00:58:44,719 --> 00:58:50,159 Zoom call or something when you talk to 1215 00:58:47,679 --> 00:58:52,719 McKenna so that I can help put this in 1216 00:58:50,159 --> 00:58:55,159 the Conta that' be great thank you thank 1217 00:58:52,719 --> 00:58:57,279 you all right so I have a motion and I 1218 00:58:55,159 --> 00:58:59,639 have a second I want to ask Chuck a 1219 00:58:57,280 --> 00:59:01,760 question before Chuck we had this 1220 00:58:59,639 --> 00:59:03,480 brought up before on the last board I 1221 00:59:01,760 --> 00:59:06,319 mean there was things that we tried to 1222 00:59:03,480 --> 00:59:07,400 do we listen to the residents might talk 1223 00:59:06,318 --> 00:59:09,440 to the road 1224 00:59:07,400 --> 00:59:11,920 commission what can we do how come we 1225 00:59:09,440 --> 00:59:13,119 didn't do it then what happens now that 1226 00:59:11,920 --> 00:59:15,280 we can do 1227 00:59:13,119 --> 00:59:16,920 something there's no guarantee that 1228 00:59:15,280 --> 00:59:19,319 anything's going to change even when you 1229 00:59:16,920 --> 00:59:21,119 do the study if you do the study speak 1230 00:59:19,318 --> 00:59:23,558 to the microphone 1231 00:59:21,119 --> 00:59:25,358 please there's no guarantee that 1232 00:59:23,559 --> 00:59:27,280 anything's going to change even if you 1233 00:59:25,358 --> 00:59:31,159 do this study and it comes back with 1234 00:59:27,280 --> 00:59:33,480 some some really inflammatory 1235 00:59:31,159 --> 00:59:35,480 information however if you don't have a 1236 00:59:33,480 --> 00:59:36,920 study you have no chance because you 1237 00:59:35,480 --> 00:59:39,480 can't just go into the court and say 1238 00:59:36,920 --> 00:59:42,240 we've changed our mind that court order 1239 00:59:39,480 --> 00:59:44,440 that was entered in 2002 was a consent 1240 00:59:42,239 --> 00:59:46,639 order which Deerfield Township the road 1241 00:59:44,440 --> 00:59:49,240 commission Tyrone Township and the 1242 00:59:46,639 --> 00:59:51,598 gravel operator at the time so if we 1243 00:59:49,239 --> 00:59:55,118 don't go into court with something we 1244 00:59:51,599 --> 00:59:57,119 have nothing your best case scenario 1245 00:59:55,119 --> 00:59:59,119 would be to have a a study and then to 1246 00:59:57,119 --> 01:00:02,039 get all of the parties that are to that 1247 00:59:59,119 --> 01:00:04,798 consent order agree to whatever changes 1248 01:00:02,039 --> 01:00:07,079 we want you got to understand that if 1249 01:00:04,798 --> 01:00:09,599 what we want to happen negatively 1250 01:00:07,079 --> 01:00:12,519 impacts Deerfield Township they aren't 1251 01:00:09,599 --> 01:00:15,039 going to agree to it you got to believe 1252 01:00:12,519 --> 01:00:17,038 that if what we want is going to put a 1253 01:00:15,039 --> 01:00:18,960 strain on the road commission's budget 1254 01:00:17,039 --> 01:00:22,640 they're going to fight it but if you 1255 01:00:18,960 --> 01:00:25,559 don't do the study you have no chance to 1256 01:00:22,639 --> 01:00:27,558 get things done by going to the court 1257 01:00:25,559 --> 01:00:29,519 you do the study if you have powerful 1258 01:00:27,559 --> 01:00:32,160 things if there's things that you can 1259 01:00:29,519 --> 01:00:34,079 get uh Deerfield Township to agree to 1260 01:00:32,159 --> 01:00:37,440 the county to agree to perhaps you can 1261 01:00:34,079 --> 01:00:41,200 do it by consent but to have the order 1262 01:00:37,440 --> 01:00:43,480 just simply changed because it's not 1263 01:00:41,199 --> 01:00:43,480 going to 1264 01:00:44,039 --> 01:00:50,319 happen Okay so what was the motion 1265 01:00:47,920 --> 01:00:53,760 motion was to engage McKenna to start 1266 01:00:50,318 --> 01:00:53,759 the discussion about this 1267 01:00:53,798 --> 01:01:00,038 topic about the uh truck route 1268 01:00:57,318 --> 01:01:01,798 specifically Hogan Hogan Road Hogan Road 1269 01:01:00,039 --> 01:01:04,760 truck route yes 1270 01:01:01,798 --> 01:01:06,960 correct and we have a second correct yes 1271 01:01:04,760 --> 01:01:06,960 I 1272 01:01:11,000 --> 01:01:16,079 second so we don't need to do a roll 1273 01:01:13,400 --> 01:01:22,160 call here we're not spending any money 1274 01:01:16,079 --> 01:01:26,400 so I'm just going to all in favor I I 1275 01:01:22,159 --> 01:01:26,399 oppose all right 1276 01:01:28,599 --> 01:01:35,200 uh can we uh let Mr fiser go if he needs 1277 01:01:31,400 --> 01:01:38,358 to you think yes Mr Fisher thank you so 1278 01:01:35,199 --> 01:01:40,078 much thank you very much okay we'll be 1279 01:01:38,358 --> 01:01:41,880 pleasure we'll be reaching back out to 1280 01:01:40,079 --> 01:01:45,039 you once we get something going with 1281 01:01:41,880 --> 01:01:48,039 McKenna okay I know knows just how to 1282 01:01:45,039 --> 01:01:51,240 get a hold of me and uh um it's been a 1283 01:01:48,039 --> 01:01:54,278 pleasure working with you tonight sir 1284 01:01:51,239 --> 01:01:56,479 thank you have a good 1285 01:01:54,278 --> 01:01:58,239 evening all right 1286 01:01:56,480 --> 01:02:02,000 uh moving on 1287 01:01:58,239 --> 01:02:03,118 to business item number three which is 1288 01:02:02,000 --> 01:02:07,838 the 1289 01:02:03,119 --> 01:02:10,278 uh resolution to uh establish the 1290 01:02:07,838 --> 01:02:13,519 guidelines for poverty exemption on the 1291 01:02:10,278 --> 01:02:13,519 property tax 1292 01:02:15,159 --> 01:02:22,639 um basically I I looked at that this 1293 01:02:18,480 --> 01:02:26,358 with uh Alexa and uh what we have done 1294 01:02:22,639 --> 01:02:29,838 in the past is we have uh typically just 1295 01:02:26,358 --> 01:02:32,679 followed the federal guidelines and uh 1296 01:02:29,838 --> 01:02:36,639 and increased the 1297 01:02:32,679 --> 01:02:41,078 uh the pro uh poverty dollar 1298 01:02:36,639 --> 01:02:43,199 amount um by what they do so uh I mean 1299 01:02:41,079 --> 01:02:46,920 other than that I I don't believe 1300 01:02:43,199 --> 01:02:46,919 there's any other changes to this 1301 01:02:47,278 --> 01:02:52,400 document are any 1302 01:02:49,358 --> 01:02:55,400 questions no no this is something that's 1303 01:02:52,400 --> 01:02:59,880 done on an annual basis yeah I have some 1304 01:02:55,400 --> 01:03:02,160 questions sorry no it's fine if I may do 1305 01:02:59,880 --> 01:03:06,680 we know how many exception poverty 1306 01:03:02,159 --> 01:03:09,558 exemptions we have today one we have one 1307 01:03:06,679 --> 01:03:12,199 so there's only hang on hang on 1308 01:03:09,559 --> 01:03:14,160 Alexa y since I've been here there's 1309 01:03:12,199 --> 01:03:17,278 been one applicant who applies every 1310 01:03:14,159 --> 01:03:19,239 year who qualified you you should 1311 01:03:17,278 --> 01:03:21,119 probably come up and talk in the mic so 1312 01:03:19,239 --> 01:03:23,759 that I I 1313 01:03:21,119 --> 01:03:27,760 know I know I'm 1314 01:03:23,760 --> 01:03:27,760 sorry that'll teach you to speak 1315 01:03:31,079 --> 01:03:39,839 H so so that the video audience can hear 1316 01:03:36,920 --> 01:03:41,559 you um we've had one applicant that 1317 01:03:39,838 --> 01:03:44,318 applies every year who qualifies who's 1318 01:03:41,559 --> 01:03:46,880 been granted it over the years there 1319 01:03:44,318 --> 01:03:52,480 have been maybe three applicants who 1320 01:03:46,880 --> 01:03:57,079 have just been way way higher and we 1321 01:03:52,480 --> 01:03:59,000 denied so do do we know if there's uh I 1322 01:03:57,079 --> 01:04:01,359 mean that sounds really low especially 1323 01:03:59,000 --> 01:04:03,798 even for our community of 12,000 people 1324 01:04:01,358 --> 01:04:05,960 it seems Seems like we might have more 1325 01:04:03,798 --> 01:04:08,000 people out there I would imagine but I 1326 01:04:05,960 --> 01:04:10,278 don't even get a lot of inquiries about 1327 01:04:08,000 --> 01:04:12,039 it and we don't advertise though right 1328 01:04:10,278 --> 01:04:14,960 it's not something it's on our website 1329 01:04:12,039 --> 01:04:17,680 we do the resolution every year is there 1330 01:04:14,960 --> 01:04:19,599 a relationship to the delinquencies tax 1331 01:04:17,679 --> 01:04:21,199 delinquencies in the in the township but 1332 01:04:19,599 --> 01:04:24,440 do any of those come through hardship 1333 01:04:21,199 --> 01:04:27,719 delinquencies or that's for anything 1334 01:04:24,440 --> 01:04:27,720 like that that's separate 1335 01:04:28,639 --> 01:04:32,639 I was just wondering because the if if 1336 01:04:30,760 --> 01:04:34,839 somebody is delinquent in their tax 1337 01:04:32,639 --> 01:04:36,679 payment I would imagine there's probably 1338 01:04:34,838 --> 01:04:38,798 some compelling reason and if it was 1339 01:04:36,679 --> 01:04:42,038 Financial loss of a job or other things 1340 01:04:38,798 --> 01:04:45,759 that could qualify somebody for a people 1341 01:04:42,039 --> 01:04:48,960 can apply for it but 1342 01:04:45,760 --> 01:04:50,880 okay and uh and have we ever have we 1343 01:04:48,960 --> 01:04:54,318 ever done a comparison to other 1344 01:04:50,880 --> 01:04:56,278 townships Like Us in the area as far as 1345 01:04:54,318 --> 01:04:59,079 where we are with the Federal minimum 1346 01:04:56,278 --> 01:05:00,519 exemption and stuff that's in the chart 1347 01:04:59,079 --> 01:05:02,920 um I've talked to other assessors and 1348 01:05:00,519 --> 01:05:05,199 I've looked at other municipalities in 1349 01:05:02,920 --> 01:05:09,680 the area and we're pretty much in line 1350 01:05:05,199 --> 01:05:09,679 with what our neighboring units 1351 01:05:10,880 --> 01:05:18,519 do have have we ever um so we're we're 1352 01:05:16,199 --> 01:05:22,199 just taking a minimum on the the federal 1353 01:05:18,519 --> 01:05:23,920 minimum as far as the poverty level is 1354 01:05:22,199 --> 01:05:26,519 we're using the federal income 1355 01:05:23,920 --> 01:05:29,119 guidelines right okay and and we we have 1356 01:05:26,519 --> 01:05:31,318 the ability though to raise that if we 1357 01:05:29,119 --> 01:05:33,760 felt like we should in the township 1358 01:05:31,318 --> 01:05:35,719 right could I mean there's not a law 1359 01:05:33,760 --> 01:05:36,960 that says that we would have to just 1360 01:05:35,719 --> 01:05:38,519 can't be lower than the federal just 1361 01:05:36,960 --> 01:05:40,559 can't be lower than the federal okay so 1362 01:05:38,519 --> 01:05:41,719 we're taking the Baseline which means I 1363 01:05:40,559 --> 01:05:44,359 think it was 1364 01:05:41,719 --> 01:05:47,959 14,000 something for one person in a 1365 01:05:44,358 --> 01:05:50,239 house 15 15 something around 1366 01:05:47,960 --> 01:05:54,318 that so 1367 01:05:50,239 --> 01:05:56,000 okay um all right I I just uh that's 1368 01:05:54,318 --> 01:05:59,880 that's helpful cuz this is my my first 1369 01:05:56,000 --> 01:06:04,599 time dealing with the poverty exemption 1370 01:05:59,880 --> 01:06:07,200 um and I would hope that we could I mean 1371 01:06:04,599 --> 01:06:09,000 I would hope we could Market this a 1372 01:06:07,199 --> 01:06:11,000 little better it seems like I mean I was 1373 01:06:09,000 --> 01:06:13,318 on the campaign Trail talking to 1374 01:06:11,000 --> 01:06:16,639 Veterans who own homes and other things 1375 01:06:13,318 --> 01:06:18,558 dis veterans they can apply of course 1376 01:06:16,639 --> 01:06:21,759 exemption as well that's something but 1377 01:06:18,559 --> 01:06:23,720 knowing that and knowing you know I mean 1378 01:06:21,760 --> 01:06:26,200 putting it on the website's a great step 1379 01:06:23,719 --> 01:06:28,838 don't get me wrong but just being able 1380 01:06:26,199 --> 01:06:30,719 to communicate uh these things maybe in 1381 01:06:28,838 --> 01:06:33,078 a newsletter or things like that that 1382 01:06:30,719 --> 01:06:35,679 people are getting could be in advance 1383 01:06:33,079 --> 01:06:37,798 to advances I'm not trying to say that I 1384 01:06:35,679 --> 01:06:39,598 I'm hoping we don't look at and the 1385 01:06:37,798 --> 01:06:42,440 reason I'm bringing it up is because 1386 01:06:39,599 --> 01:06:45,079 we're in hard Economic Times right now 1387 01:06:42,440 --> 01:06:48,480 this country in the last four years has 1388 01:06:45,079 --> 01:06:51,400 been brutalized economically and 1389 01:06:48,480 --> 01:06:54,079 anything we can do for our residents to 1390 01:06:51,400 --> 01:06:55,798 get out the message that if you are 1391 01:06:54,079 --> 01:06:57,599 suffering hard times because because of 1392 01:06:55,798 --> 01:07:00,159 a job loss or other things which a lot 1393 01:06:57,599 --> 01:07:02,760 of people are they may be able to take 1394 01:07:00,159 --> 01:07:05,038 advantage of this for a period of time 1395 01:07:02,760 --> 01:07:08,278 until they come off off that poverty 1396 01:07:05,039 --> 01:07:09,920 exemption criteria and that's why I was 1397 01:07:08,278 --> 01:07:11,639 that's the only reason I'm asking all 1398 01:07:09,920 --> 01:07:13,318 these other questions because I'm 1399 01:07:11,639 --> 01:07:14,879 curious to see if there's something we 1400 01:07:13,318 --> 01:07:17,639 could do as a Township to help the 1401 01:07:14,880 --> 01:07:20,119 residents uh that may qualify that 1402 01:07:17,639 --> 01:07:23,199 haven't come forward yet yeah you guys 1403 01:07:20,119 --> 01:07:23,200 want to put it in the 1404 01:07:23,960 --> 01:07:30,480 newsletter anything 1405 01:07:26,519 --> 01:07:33,119 yeah I mean most individuals in 1406 01:07:30,480 --> 01:07:35,960 general when you look at this poverty 1407 01:07:33,119 --> 01:07:38,720 level and what what they're eligible 1408 01:07:35,960 --> 01:07:41,639 for they understand what they're 1409 01:07:38,719 --> 01:07:44,639 eligible for if they're on assistance um 1410 01:07:41,639 --> 01:07:48,358 through the state um th this is 1411 01:07:44,639 --> 01:07:51,759 something they're familiar with um so it 1412 01:07:48,358 --> 01:07:54,000 is out there it's not you know a secret 1413 01:07:51,760 --> 01:07:56,079 um but in relation to what you were 1414 01:07:54,000 --> 01:07:58,639 asking Mr repetto about 1415 01:07:56,079 --> 01:08:01,480 um numbers and um helping more if you 1416 01:07:58,639 --> 01:08:04,278 look at it on this chart uh for a family 1417 01:08:01,480 --> 01:08:08,480 of eight the income is 1418 01:08:04,278 --> 01:08:10,599 52,7 120 so in our area there aren't 1419 01:08:08,480 --> 01:08:13,599 many 1420 01:08:10,599 --> 01:08:16,640 households even with one or two that are 1421 01:08:13,599 --> 01:08:19,319 at that income level so I guess I'm just 1422 01:08:16,640 --> 01:08:23,159 trying to explain to you that that is 1423 01:08:19,319 --> 01:08:25,199 why we only have one individual idea you 1424 01:08:23,158 --> 01:08:27,920 know um but I think what Alexa was 1425 01:08:25,198 --> 01:08:30,318 trying trying to um say with the Vets 1426 01:08:27,920 --> 01:08:32,039 that's a separate right no no no I'm 1427 01:08:30,319 --> 01:08:34,000 very familiar with the Michigan State 1428 01:08:32,039 --> 01:08:36,238 veterans and we yeah I've talked to a 1429 01:08:34,000 --> 01:08:38,759 number of people that take advantage of 1430 01:08:36,238 --> 01:08:42,158 that but um there there are also 1431 01:08:38,759 --> 01:08:45,000 veterans uh who are disabled after the 1432 01:08:42,158 --> 01:08:47,079 war which don't qualify for it but still 1433 01:08:45,000 --> 01:08:49,560 are paying taxes here and that might be 1434 01:08:47,079 --> 01:08:51,158 burdened with uh extra Road things 1435 01:08:49,560 --> 01:08:53,159 because their neighborhood got paved and 1436 01:08:51,158 --> 01:08:55,238 other things that that their their 1437 01:08:53,158 --> 01:08:56,838 sustenance may not and they don't know 1438 01:08:55,238 --> 01:08:59,000 about about it because when I talk to 1439 01:08:56,838 --> 01:09:00,920 them they they don't know so that's 1440 01:08:59,000 --> 01:09:03,600 that's why I'm just con I don't want to 1441 01:09:00,920 --> 01:09:05,520 make the Assumption and if there's two 1442 01:09:03,600 --> 01:09:08,039 residents or one resident out there that 1443 01:09:05,520 --> 01:09:11,040 could be helped by this is there a way 1444 01:09:08,039 --> 01:09:13,119 to be able to have some Public Service 1445 01:09:11,039 --> 01:09:15,798 Announcement during these tough Economic 1446 01:09:13,119 --> 01:09:17,960 Times to to help that it you know we can 1447 01:09:15,798 --> 01:09:20,000 find different ways to promote it yeah 1448 01:09:17,960 --> 01:09:22,600 yeah that's not an issue start by 1449 01:09:20,000 --> 01:09:24,479 emailing our Township email list and 1450 01:09:22,600 --> 01:09:26,480 then they could tell tell their 1451 01:09:24,479 --> 01:09:28,000 neighbors or like that these are all 1452 01:09:26,479 --> 01:09:30,838 ways that we could really get the word 1453 01:09:28,000 --> 01:09:33,119 out quickly and effectively uh with the 1454 01:09:30,838 --> 01:09:35,439 tools that we have right now you know 1455 01:09:33,119 --> 01:09:38,559 that wouldn't really be costly so but 1456 01:09:35,439 --> 01:09:41,158 but you brought up emailing residence um 1457 01:09:38,560 --> 01:09:44,359 so we do have a limit on how many emails 1458 01:09:41,158 --> 01:09:48,399 we can send out just so you're aware we 1459 01:09:44,359 --> 01:09:51,440 why because we pay for right X number 1460 01:09:48,399 --> 01:09:53,358 and that and so we when we send out an 1461 01:09:51,439 --> 01:09:55,158 email blast you know we have to be 1462 01:09:53,359 --> 01:09:57,760 mindful of that well all I'm saying is 1463 01:09:55,158 --> 01:10:00,599 that may be a good time to revisit how 1464 01:09:57,760 --> 01:10:02,400 many email blasts we allowed to for 1465 01:10:00,600 --> 01:10:04,840 these kinds of things I don't want to 1466 01:10:02,399 --> 01:10:07,279 use that cost I mean if it costs us an 1467 01:10:04,840 --> 01:10:09,159 extra $100 to communicate this important 1468 01:10:07,279 --> 01:10:10,960 program to our residents so that they 1469 01:10:09,158 --> 01:10:12,759 can tell you know they may not have 1470 01:10:10,960 --> 01:10:14,439 email but they may have a neighbor that 1471 01:10:12,760 --> 01:10:16,600 they could walk over and say hey look I 1472 01:10:14,439 --> 01:10:19,759 just heard about this program that that 1473 01:10:16,600 --> 01:10:21,679 would be my hopeful intention with uh 1474 01:10:19,760 --> 01:10:22,960 that level of communication so right 1475 01:10:21,679 --> 01:10:24,920 well I just wanted you to know that 1476 01:10:22,960 --> 01:10:27,640 there's things we have to change board 1477 01:10:24,920 --> 01:10:30,440 them yeah you know if you want to add 1478 01:10:27,640 --> 01:10:32,280 those are things to discuss could you be 1479 01:10:30,439 --> 01:10:34,399 able to tell us what it would cost to 1480 01:10:32,279 --> 01:10:38,158 have why have to get right right 1481 01:10:34,399 --> 01:10:41,119 increase in email out that for more 1482 01:10:38,158 --> 01:10:44,359 frequent emails of programs like this as 1483 01:10:41,119 --> 01:10:47,158 one one mechanism to do it if there's a 1484 01:10:44,359 --> 01:10:49,039 cost added to the newsletter uh that's 1485 01:10:47,158 --> 01:10:51,198 that's cord or what through their tax 1486 01:10:49,039 --> 01:10:52,880 whatever it might be uh you guys have 1487 01:10:51,198 --> 01:10:54,479 more experience on that on how we're 1488 01:10:52,880 --> 01:10:56,480 communicating but these might be good 1489 01:10:54,479 --> 01:11:01,399 ideas 1490 01:10:56,479 --> 01:11:01,399 okay all right all right thanks 1491 01:11:02,880 --> 01:11:11,840 Alexa all right so I'm 1492 01:11:06,198 --> 01:11:15,158 uh looking for a motion to accept the uh 1493 01:11:11,840 --> 01:11:17,560 I make a motion a motion to 1494 01:11:15,158 --> 01:11:19,479 resolve to establish guidelines for 1495 01:11:17,560 --> 01:11:22,000 granting poverty exemptions from 1496 01:11:19,479 --> 01:11:25,639 property taxes thank you we have to have 1497 01:11:22,000 --> 01:11:27,359 a roll call someone has to second 1498 01:11:25,640 --> 01:11:30,560 I'll second it 1499 01:11:27,359 --> 01:11:33,399 okay all 1500 01:11:30,560 --> 01:11:37,600 right and and now we'll have a roll call 1501 01:11:33,399 --> 01:11:41,399 her Ferguson yes GRE KS yes Jennifer 1502 01:11:37,600 --> 01:11:48,199 Eden absent Sarah dolman Jersey yes Dean 1503 01:11:41,399 --> 01:11:48,198 hos yes Chris Peta yes Pam mler yes 1504 01:11:58,719 --> 01:12:07,239 all right the uh last item on our agenda 1505 01:12:02,920 --> 01:12:09,960 is for new business is uh number four 1506 01:12:07,238 --> 01:12:11,000 the the quotes for carpet cleaning in 1507 01:12:09,960 --> 01:12:15,399 the meeting 1508 01:12:11,000 --> 01:12:20,520 room um I guess uh I'll let you take 1509 01:12:15,399 --> 01:12:23,158 over Pam here um you got you received uh 1510 01:12:20,520 --> 01:12:26,600 yep we have three quotes um one from 1511 01:12:23,158 --> 01:12:31,039 Annie's carpet cleaning for 8:35 1512 01:12:26,600 --> 01:12:33,239 535 um one from Crystal Clean Carpet 1513 01:12:31,039 --> 01:12:36,560 Care for 1514 01:12:33,238 --> 01:12:39,678 34220 then we have one from Fenton 1515 01:12:36,560 --> 01:12:39,679 Carpet Cleaning for 1516 01:12:40,158 --> 01:12:44,920 $450 what was the one we used before 1517 01:12:42,719 --> 01:12:50,039 here just under 1518 01:12:44,920 --> 01:12:51,560 $500 so the cost for us to post this was 1519 01:12:50,039 --> 01:12:56,960 $75 1520 01:12:51,560 --> 01:12:56,960 um you know to advertise that 1521 01:12:57,960 --> 01:13:03,760 so you used the middle one before we 1522 01:13:01,399 --> 01:13:06,719 have for this room right here 1523 01:13:03,760 --> 01:13:09,520 correct which one was that the middle 1524 01:13:06,719 --> 01:13:12,960 one the oh the Crystal 1525 01:13:09,520 --> 01:13:15,159 Clean no no we used modernistic they 1526 01:13:12,960 --> 01:13:16,880 didn't put a bed in this um cuz they 1527 01:13:15,158 --> 01:13:19,238 wouldn't see the bed in our local 1528 01:13:16,880 --> 01:13:22,719 newspaper or on our website a larger 1529 01:13:19,238 --> 01:13:26,718 company like that um typically 1530 01:13:22,719 --> 01:13:30,158 um we don't put anything under $500 out 1531 01:13:26,719 --> 01:13:32,039 for bed um but the board decided to put 1532 01:13:30,158 --> 01:13:35,559 it out for bid and that's why I 1533 01:13:32,039 --> 01:13:37,560 mentioned it was $75 it cost us sure to 1534 01:13:35,560 --> 01:13:39,159 put that out but we this way we did get 1535 01:13:37,560 --> 01:13:42,000 somebody loow it's right here in town 1536 01:13:39,158 --> 01:13:45,359 right is that these three a 1537 01:13:42,000 --> 01:13:48,439 local F area or no well I'm curious 1538 01:13:45,359 --> 01:13:50,559 one's in Fenton one's in Grand Blank and 1539 01:13:48,439 --> 01:13:54,039 I'm not sure 1540 01:13:50,560 --> 01:13:57,199 where Crystal where where is Crystal 1541 01:13:54,039 --> 01:13:59,079 they're not local they're not no no and 1542 01:13:57,198 --> 01:13:59,960 so for like the fat and carpet cleaning 1543 01:13:59,079 --> 01:14:04,479 it says 1544 01:13:59,960 --> 01:14:07,359 450 um so it's uh $50 cheaper however we 1545 01:14:04,479 --> 01:14:09,559 actually would spend $25 more after 1546 01:14:07,359 --> 01:14:11,639 publishing versus if I had just 1547 01:14:09,560 --> 01:14:13,239 contacted modernist that and said hey 1548 01:14:11,639 --> 01:14:16,800 come 1549 01:14:13,238 --> 01:14:19,839 in you know so so in the how 1550 01:14:16,800 --> 01:14:23,600 modernistic just under 1551 01:14:19,840 --> 01:14:26,199 500 so fat and carpet cleaning is $450 1552 01:14:23,600 --> 01:14:28,880 right plus it cost $75 so next time we 1553 01:14:26,198 --> 01:14:32,879 could probably just get F carpet to do 1554 01:14:28,880 --> 01:14:32,880 it and they're cheaper than 1555 01:14:32,960 --> 01:14:38,399 modernistic $50 1556 01:14:36,158 --> 01:14:41,319 cheaper but we haven't had them so we 1557 01:14:38,399 --> 01:14:44,439 don't know what well I they do a great 1558 01:14:41,319 --> 01:14:48,359 you know I know we'll have to see you 1559 01:14:44,439 --> 01:14:49,839 know um you know it's up but I think we 1560 01:14:48,359 --> 01:14:51,599 should I think we should go with fat and 1561 01:14:49,840 --> 01:14:56,239 carpet cleaning that's the one in the 1562 01:14:51,600 --> 01:14:59,239 middle the 835 is a bit hi the other one 1563 01:14:56,238 --> 01:15:01,879 I mean ultimately your guys uh goal was 1564 01:14:59,238 --> 01:15:03,839 to find someone local um so this other 1565 01:15:01,880 --> 01:15:05,840 one is not local so that's off the list 1566 01:15:03,840 --> 01:15:09,520 so that leavs fat and carpet 1567 01:15:05,840 --> 01:15:11,719 cleaning than I make a motion we accept 1568 01:15:09,520 --> 01:15:15,040 fat and carpet 1569 01:15:11,719 --> 01:15:15,039 okay I'll 1570 01:15:15,479 --> 01:15:23,238 second all 1571 01:15:18,520 --> 01:15:26,960 right all in favor I I 1572 01:15:23,238 --> 01:15:26,959 I okay 1573 01:15:28,000 --> 01:15:34,000 all right number five is off so uh I to 1574 01:15:33,198 --> 01:15:37,158 move 1575 01:15:34,000 --> 01:15:40,520 into miscellaneous 1576 01:15:37,158 --> 01:15:40,519 business we have 1577 01:15:44,279 --> 01:15:54,039 anything all right then I'll go to uh 1578 01:15:47,600 --> 01:15:54,039 the last public remarks here um Scott 1579 01:16:00,439 --> 01:16:04,759 Scott dri White Lake Road um I want to 1580 01:16:03,158 --> 01:16:07,198 get to this workshop for the board 1581 01:16:04,760 --> 01:16:08,400 members and we're going to go back to 1582 01:16:07,198 --> 01:16:11,759 the Planning 1583 01:16:08,399 --> 01:16:14,439 Commission where this all went down you 1584 01:16:11,760 --> 01:16:17,760 guys you three guys I mean you didn't 1585 01:16:14,439 --> 01:16:19,319 work together I mean I'm very dis I was 1586 01:16:17,760 --> 01:16:21,920 very disgusted with what happened that 1587 01:16:19,319 --> 01:16:24,399 night and we as heading out the 1588 01:16:21,920 --> 01:16:26,119 door Greg when you act back in your 1589 01:16:24,399 --> 01:16:28,399 office Chris you're heading out the door 1590 01:16:26,119 --> 01:16:29,960 after you guys you know it just the way 1591 01:16:28,399 --> 01:16:30,960 it went down and I even told you Chris 1592 01:16:29,960 --> 01:16:32,439 you better get in there there going to 1593 01:16:30,960 --> 01:16:36,520 be a 1594 01:16:32,439 --> 01:16:38,119 lawsuit since then it's been nothing but 1595 01:16:36,520 --> 01:16:40,800 there's been admissions there's been 1596 01:16:38,119 --> 01:16:42,840 doubling down a newspaper 1597 01:16:40,800 --> 01:16:44,800 article saying that you guys all 1598 01:16:42,840 --> 01:16:48,560 discussed it but Greg put 1599 01:16:44,800 --> 01:16:50,679 the letter out so I mean more and more I 1600 01:16:48,560 --> 01:16:52,840 hear it just keeps incriminating it even 1601 01:16:50,679 --> 01:16:55,440 more and now I'm here tonight we're 1602 01:16:52,840 --> 01:16:57,400 going to get sued and then we get 1603 01:16:55,439 --> 01:16:59,158 blackmailed that if you don't drop a 1604 01:16:57,399 --> 01:17:01,879 censor if you no if you would have 1605 01:16:59,158 --> 01:17:05,279 dropped a censor you'd vote for it the 1606 01:17:01,880 --> 01:17:07,679 training so I mean this is this no 1607 01:17:05,279 --> 01:17:09,479 that's what you said you said I said if 1608 01:17:07,679 --> 01:17:11,319 you would have been willing to discuss 1609 01:17:09,479 --> 01:17:13,559 okay whatever it just s it don't sound 1610 01:17:11,319 --> 01:17:15,920 it still sounds like it to me okay it 1611 01:17:13,560 --> 01:17:19,239 still didn't sound good letting go yeah 1612 01:17:15,920 --> 01:17:21,560 let me talk so anyways how do you work 1613 01:17:19,238 --> 01:17:23,359 together you you guys it wasn't bad 1614 01:17:21,560 --> 01:17:26,080 enough that you did that I was upset 1615 01:17:23,359 --> 01:17:29,000 about that but then you went to talk to 1616 01:17:26,079 --> 01:17:32,519 attorney the attorney that we hired 1617 01:17:29,000 --> 01:17:36,479 for the solar a solar attorney you 1618 01:17:32,520 --> 01:17:38,960 talked yeah you did okay that's what did 1619 01:17:36,479 --> 01:17:41,359 I heard so anyways Scott careful okay 1620 01:17:38,960 --> 01:17:42,359 anyways I'm just I'm okay be careful 1621 01:17:41,359 --> 01:17:44,679 that's right that's all I'm saying 1622 01:17:42,359 --> 01:17:46,960 that's right okay Greg but you did admit 1623 01:17:44,679 --> 01:17:49,480 careful you did admit the last meeting 1624 01:17:46,960 --> 01:17:53,399 that you reached out to that same Law 1625 01:17:49,479 --> 01:17:56,119 Firm for some guidance on an issue that 1626 01:17:53,399 --> 01:17:59,719 he's contracted to do 1627 01:17:56,119 --> 01:18:01,039 you did acknowledge that so this stuff's 1628 01:17:59,719 --> 01:18:04,000 going on so if you guys are going to 1629 01:18:01,039 --> 01:18:07,079 keep doing this stuff you need the 1630 01:18:04,000 --> 01:18:08,880 training I mean not not only did you 1631 01:18:07,079 --> 01:18:11,039 leave the four people out when you did 1632 01:18:08,880 --> 01:18:13,400 this the other board members you left 1633 01:18:11,039 --> 01:18:18,319 the community out the op meeting Act is 1634 01:18:13,399 --> 01:18:20,638 for us also you understand that it's not 1635 01:18:18,319 --> 01:18:23,399 just it's not just for three against 1636 01:18:20,639 --> 01:18:25,560 four it's for us that we're so we can 1637 01:18:23,399 --> 01:18:28,359 get some out you know in 1638 01:18:25,560 --> 01:18:30,239 and we know what's going on three guys 1639 01:18:28,359 --> 01:18:32,799 doing the stuff and doing the stuff on 1640 01:18:30,238 --> 01:18:35,119 the side ain't going to help us so yes I 1641 01:18:32,800 --> 01:18:36,560 think there's some kind of training you 1642 01:18:35,119 --> 01:18:39,599 always need 1643 01:18:36,560 --> 01:18:41,360 training to deny it I mean I don't want 1644 01:18:39,600 --> 01:18:43,320 to see more Lawes we can't afford it 1645 01:18:41,359 --> 01:18:46,158 here we've already we got too many 1646 01:18:43,319 --> 01:18:48,799 lawsuits now take responsibility for 1647 01:18:46,158 --> 01:18:51,960 what the past and get this behind 1648 01:18:48,800 --> 01:18:54,440 you I mean I don't you know it just 1649 01:18:51,960 --> 01:18:57,198 looks bad I mean I it doesn't take I've 1650 01:18:54,439 --> 01:18:59,678 been on J before and for what I've seen 1651 01:18:57,198 --> 01:19:02,839 in the film and what I've seen this I'd 1652 01:18:59,679 --> 01:19:02,840 say you did 1653 01:19:07,760 --> 01:19:14,320 it 1654 01:19:10,719 --> 01:19:17,800 okay can I say two things two topics on 1655 01:19:14,319 --> 01:19:20,599 Hogan Road sure sure okay Kevin Pierce 1656 01:19:17,800 --> 01:19:23,880 from Hogan Road um I've been on Hogan 1657 01:19:20,600 --> 01:19:25,400 Road getting close to 12 years and uh 1658 01:19:23,880 --> 01:19:28,520 I've came down to the 1659 01:19:25,399 --> 01:19:30,599 township uh enough times to where I was 1660 01:19:28,520 --> 01:19:32,560 told I wasn't welcome here 1661 01:19:30,600 --> 01:19:35,120 anymore so you know I've been 1662 01:19:32,560 --> 01:19:37,239 complaining a little bit about it so 1663 01:19:35,119 --> 01:19:39,000 here's the story I I went to Deerfield 1664 01:19:37,238 --> 01:19:41,839 Township to try to get some information 1665 01:19:39,000 --> 01:19:45,639 on the pit being spring aggregate versus 1666 01:19:41,840 --> 01:19:47,639 GBM which is the current resider and she 1667 01:19:45,639 --> 01:19:49,719 openly give me the special land use 1668 01:19:47,639 --> 01:19:54,920 permit for 1669 01:19:49,719 --> 01:19:56,800 GBM and how the road went through and 1670 01:19:54,920 --> 01:19:59,158 the clerks or the deputy clerk over 1671 01:19:56,800 --> 01:20:01,039 there told me the process of it so the 1672 01:19:59,158 --> 01:20:03,439 road was set up just so everybody knows 1673 01:20:01,039 --> 01:20:05,158 this when we get further down the road 1674 01:20:03,439 --> 01:20:07,519 and I'm really appreciative that we're 1675 01:20:05,158 --> 01:20:10,039 moving in a forward Direction on this 1676 01:20:07,520 --> 01:20:11,320 but uh the road is set up for 39 trucks 1677 01:20:10,039 --> 01:20:16,238 a day to go 1678 01:20:11,319 --> 01:20:18,039 down and uh now the road is set up for 1679 01:20:16,238 --> 01:20:22,519 150 a 1680 01:20:18,039 --> 01:20:27,238 day a maximum of 350 a week and it's 1681 01:20:22,520 --> 01:20:31,199 totally up to GBM to regulate that so in 1682 01:20:27,238 --> 01:20:35,198 combination with that we have 403 houses 1683 01:20:31,198 --> 01:20:39,000 in Tyrone Woods which puts a pretty big 1684 01:20:35,198 --> 01:20:42,559 strain on it too so the recourse is to 1685 01:20:39,000 --> 01:20:44,760 dump calcium chloride on the road 1686 01:20:42,560 --> 01:20:46,239 relentlessly to get rid of the Dust but 1687 01:20:44,760 --> 01:20:48,960 it doesn't do anything with everything 1688 01:20:46,238 --> 01:20:51,799 else so that's a huge topic that we need 1689 01:20:48,960 --> 01:20:54,319 to talk about because calcium chloride 1690 01:20:51,800 --> 01:20:56,440 is pretty harmful to a number of 1691 01:20:54,319 --> 01:20:59,198 different things and I went to the 1692 01:20:56,439 --> 01:21:02,799 planning meeting last week and I was the 1693 01:20:59,198 --> 01:21:05,599 one talking and uh I I was floored when 1694 01:21:02,800 --> 01:21:07,480 Mr fiser started talking about the new 1695 01:21:05,600 --> 01:21:09,440 extraction sites if they did this and 1696 01:21:07,479 --> 01:21:12,359 they did that they did different things 1697 01:21:09,439 --> 01:21:14,399 dust the ecological changes so on so 1698 01:21:12,359 --> 01:21:18,158 forth and I'm thinking where did this 1699 01:21:14,399 --> 01:21:20,279 guy come from he's he's saying exactly 1700 01:21:18,158 --> 01:21:22,559 what's happening to the one that's 1701 01:21:20,279 --> 01:21:25,599 existing so I don't see that there's a 1702 01:21:22,560 --> 01:21:28,239 problem with tightening up our 1703 01:21:25,600 --> 01:21:32,639 and the man that's coming down our 1704 01:21:28,238 --> 01:21:34,479 road 300 times a day so I I I said the 1705 01:21:32,639 --> 01:21:39,159 legal limit for him which he's the 1706 01:21:34,479 --> 01:21:40,759 police on his pit 150 a day and the main 1707 01:21:39,158 --> 01:21:43,519 topic 1708 01:21:40,760 --> 01:21:45,760 that uh the attorney here said fiser 1709 01:21:43,520 --> 01:21:48,440 said that 1710 01:21:45,760 --> 01:21:51,360 um they're only allowed to do San and 1711 01:21:48,439 --> 01:21:52,960 gravel well just so you know in the last 1712 01:21:51,359 --> 01:21:55,359 year and a half coming the other 1713 01:21:52,960 --> 01:21:57,920 direction from the pit has been ashalt 1714 01:21:55,359 --> 01:22:01,039 and concrete and that goes the different 1715 01:21:57,920 --> 01:22:02,840 direction and it gets mined at the pit 1716 01:22:01,039 --> 01:22:05,319 and then it gets sold and it comes back 1717 01:22:02,840 --> 01:22:07,679 the other direction so when they've when 1718 01:22:05,319 --> 01:22:10,599 he talks about the company using up all 1719 01:22:07,679 --> 01:22:12,639 the material at the site he's almost 1720 01:22:10,600 --> 01:22:15,880 there on those two sections but he has 1721 01:22:12,639 --> 01:22:17,800 another 80 acres to do after this one so 1722 01:22:15,880 --> 01:22:20,800 he's going to be there a long 1723 01:22:17,800 --> 01:22:23,800 time all right can I do one more it's 1724 01:22:20,800 --> 01:22:27,079 just a short one it's about the sewer 1725 01:22:23,800 --> 01:22:29,320 plant on the Hogan Road the sewer plant 1726 01:22:27,079 --> 01:22:33,039 has been broken for 20 1727 01:22:29,319 --> 01:22:36,000 weeks I have a $1,000 a year bill for 1728 01:22:33,039 --> 01:22:37,800 the sewer plant plus it cost me $225,000 1729 01:22:36,000 --> 01:22:40,960 to get hooked up to the 1730 01:22:37,800 --> 01:22:43,079 system when you turn onto Hogan Road and 1731 01:22:40,960 --> 01:22:46,719 I feel sorry for Pam because she's right 1732 01:22:43,079 --> 01:22:50,800 close to there it's an ungodly smell and 1733 01:22:46,719 --> 01:22:52,800 it's been there broken for 20 weeks and 1734 01:22:50,800 --> 01:22:55,320 I know this because the gentleman that 1735 01:22:52,800 --> 01:22:56,719 uh do you know it was broken 1736 01:22:55,319 --> 01:22:58,920 the gentleman that maintains that 1737 01:22:56,719 --> 01:23:01,480 building told me that the carbon filters 1738 01:22:58,920 --> 01:23:03,800 are broken and they're waiting on them 1739 01:23:01,479 --> 01:23:06,039 so when you go down past there with your 1740 01:23:03,800 --> 01:23:08,320 window open even tonight it's minus 3 1741 01:23:06,039 --> 01:23:10,679 right now be sure you have your windows 1742 01:23:08,319 --> 01:23:13,960 up because it's an ungodly smell that 1743 01:23:10,679 --> 01:23:16,279 you'll take all the way to your house uh 1744 01:23:13,960 --> 01:23:18,920 it it takes 15 minutes for your body to 1745 01:23:16,279 --> 01:23:20,880 regulate to a new smell so the people 1746 01:23:18,920 --> 01:23:23,199 that live across the street okay might 1747 01:23:20,880 --> 01:23:25,159 not smell it so much all right well I'm 1748 01:23:23,198 --> 01:23:26,638 I'm a I didn't 1749 01:23:25,158 --> 01:23:31,359 it's the first I've heard the sewer was 1750 01:23:26,639 --> 01:23:31,359 broken carbon fiber so let me 1751 01:23:33,158 --> 01:23:37,039 look 1752 01:23:35,000 --> 01:23:41,639 okay 1753 01:23:37,039 --> 01:23:45,479 in andu but we'll talk later okay all 1754 01:23:41,639 --> 01:23:45,480 right uh is there anybody 1755 01:23:46,198 --> 01:23:49,198 else 1756 01:23:50,920 --> 01:23:57,560 yeah follow protocol 1757 01:23:53,319 --> 01:23:59,039 here uh Ted Merc Hogan Road um on a 1758 01:23:57,560 --> 01:24:01,000 different note I'd just like to say 1759 01:23:59,039 --> 01:24:04,000 thank you to this current board for 1760 01:24:01,000 --> 01:24:05,960 pushing this item down the uh road 1761 01:24:04,000 --> 01:24:08,439 further than we've been able to do in 1762 01:24:05,960 --> 01:24:11,880 eight years that we've been throwing 1763 01:24:08,439 --> 01:24:14,238 ourselves up against a brick wall so 1764 01:24:11,880 --> 01:24:16,840 even just getting a study done is light 1765 01:24:14,238 --> 01:24:18,158 years ahead of where we've come so far 1766 01:24:16,840 --> 01:24:19,639 and the second point that I'd like to 1767 01:24:18,158 --> 01:24:21,719 make because I think it's critically 1768 01:24:19,639 --> 01:24:23,600 important um I'm not speaking for 1769 01:24:21,719 --> 01:24:25,960 everybody on Hogan Road but I've spoken 1770 01:24:23,600 --> 01:24:28,079 to a lot people on Hogan Road and I 1771 01:24:25,960 --> 01:24:31,239 don't think that anybody has an 1772 01:24:28,079 --> 01:24:33,079 expectation of it getting paved I don't 1773 01:24:31,238 --> 01:24:35,158 think that anybody wants to cost the 1774 01:24:33,079 --> 01:24:37,399 township or even the Road 1775 01:24:35,158 --> 01:24:39,519 Commission in the last Administration 1776 01:24:37,399 --> 01:24:41,399 I've heard from $2.5 million to $6 1777 01:24:39,520 --> 01:24:44,440 million whatever number you want to pick 1778 01:24:41,399 --> 01:24:47,158 it got bigger as we asked but the point 1779 01:24:44,439 --> 01:24:49,000 being we bought a house on a dirt road 1780 01:24:47,158 --> 01:24:51,799 we're perfectly fine with living on a 1781 01:24:49,000 --> 01:24:53,679 dirt road what we didn't buy is a house 1782 01:24:51,800 --> 01:24:56,000 on a residential road that is turned 1783 01:24:53,679 --> 01:24:58,719 into an IND industrial 1784 01:24:56,000 --> 01:25:00,399 driveway so I know a lot of you know 1785 01:24:58,719 --> 01:25:03,198 what's going on I just want to say I 1786 01:25:00,399 --> 01:25:04,759 appreciate you working on it um we've 1787 01:25:03,198 --> 01:25:05,678 been killing ourselves trying to get 1788 01:25:04,760 --> 01:25:08,039 things 1789 01:25:05,679 --> 01:25:10,719 done and I've certainly talked to 1790 01:25:08,039 --> 01:25:13,679 attorneys and stuff like that but the 1791 01:25:10,719 --> 01:25:15,760 bottom line is it's going to have to be 1792 01:25:13,679 --> 01:25:17,840 the Township Board working with the road 1793 01:25:15,760 --> 01:25:20,880 commission we always just wanted to have 1794 01:25:17,840 --> 01:25:22,880 the road Declassified as a truck route 1795 01:25:20,880 --> 01:25:25,800 um as it's been said before there's many 1796 01:25:22,880 --> 01:25:28,719 other truck routes and they're paved it 1797 01:25:25,800 --> 01:25:32,320 would cause GBM to reroute their traffic 1798 01:25:28,719 --> 01:25:34,158 and we Have No Malice against GBM but we 1799 01:25:32,319 --> 01:25:36,399 just don't want to deal with your daily 1800 01:25:34,158 --> 01:25:39,319 stuff as Kevin says you can't come out 1801 01:25:36,399 --> 01:25:42,279 of your driveway and when you do you 1802 01:25:39,319 --> 01:25:44,039 can't see for 10 minutes so it's just a 1803 01:25:42,279 --> 01:25:45,439 remarkable thing you'll see it when you 1804 01:25:44,039 --> 01:25:48,399 look at that 1805 01:25:45,439 --> 01:25:50,638 video um and there's also a PowerPoint 1806 01:25:48,399 --> 01:25:52,079 as I told Chris when I gave it to him 1807 01:25:50,639 --> 01:25:54,279 that we wanted to present to the board 1808 01:25:52,079 --> 01:25:59,039 in the past and we were just said yeah 1809 01:25:54,279 --> 01:26:01,439 we know it's a problem no need so please 1810 01:25:59,039 --> 01:26:02,760 if you need a point person when you talk 1811 01:26:01,439 --> 01:26:05,678 to this person that's going to 1812 01:26:02,760 --> 01:26:07,719 investigate by all means we will feed 1813 01:26:05,679 --> 01:26:10,719 them we will clothe them we will house 1814 01:26:07,719 --> 01:26:12,319 them they can move in for a while so 1815 01:26:10,719 --> 01:26:15,480 we'll help in any way we can thank you 1816 01:26:12,319 --> 01:26:15,479 very much thank you 1817 01:26:18,760 --> 01:26:24,159 Ted all right anybody else 1818 01:26:25,439 --> 01:26:29,399 all 1819 01:26:26,520 --> 01:26:33,520 right 1820 01:26:29,399 --> 01:26:36,079 oh and see you waving your 1821 01:26:33,520 --> 01:26:40,520 face uh Janette 1822 01:26:36,079 --> 01:26:43,279 Retta um the uh Hogan Road thing I'm so 1823 01:26:40,520 --> 01:26:47,000 glad that you guys are um listening and 1824 01:26:43,279 --> 01:26:49,079 um I will just say uh just confirm what 1825 01:26:47,000 --> 01:26:51,399 um teda said I've been here for a few 1826 01:26:49,079 --> 01:26:53,840 years and asked over and over again with 1827 01:26:51,399 --> 01:26:54,799 the last Administration and we're 1828 01:26:53,840 --> 01:26:57,199 basically 1829 01:26:54,800 --> 01:26:59,800 told that nothing could be done um I'll 1830 01:26:57,198 --> 01:27:02,359 go review the video minutes but I know 1831 01:26:59,800 --> 01:27:04,760 that that's what people were told and uh 1832 01:27:02,359 --> 01:27:07,000 we also had legal representation sitting 1833 01:27:04,760 --> 01:27:10,280 here too that agreed with the last 1834 01:27:07,000 --> 01:27:12,639 supervisor um I do want to talk about 1835 01:27:10,279 --> 01:27:14,519 transparency and tomorrow night is the 1836 01:27:12,639 --> 01:27:17,800 next Planning Commission Workshop it's 1837 01:27:14,520 --> 01:27:19,880 scheduled for 6:00 p.m. it's been on the 1838 01:27:17,800 --> 01:27:21,520 Township's calendar for several months 1839 01:27:19,880 --> 01:27:24,480 when you put your your meetings out 1840 01:27:21,520 --> 01:27:26,239 there uh probably for almost a year and 1841 01:27:24,479 --> 01:27:28,198 even at last week's Planning Commission 1842 01:27:26,238 --> 01:27:29,759 meeting they discussed the workshop 1843 01:27:28,198 --> 01:27:31,559 coming up tomorrow night and mentioned 1844 01:27:29,760 --> 01:27:34,239 they already knew what would be on the 1845 01:27:31,560 --> 01:27:36,000 agenda so it's clear this workshop and 1846 01:27:34,238 --> 01:27:38,718 its topics were known to the Planning 1847 01:27:36,000 --> 01:27:41,198 Commission well in advance of 1848 01:27:38,719 --> 01:27:43,079 today meanwhile there's been a lot of 1849 01:27:41,198 --> 01:27:44,638 talk about transparency under this 1850 01:27:43,079 --> 01:27:47,198 Administration and the clerk has 1851 01:27:44,639 --> 01:27:50,800 emphasized the importance of finalizing 1852 01:27:47,198 --> 01:27:53,319 agendas and avoiding last minute changes 1853 01:27:50,800 --> 01:27:55,279 well guess what despite knowing the 1854 01:27:53,319 --> 01:27:57,238 agenda items last week must have known 1855 01:27:55,279 --> 01:27:59,079 what was going to be on it the agenda 1856 01:27:57,238 --> 01:28:02,599 was not released to the public until 1857 01:27:59,079 --> 01:28:04,600 this afternoon at 3:15 p.m. is this 1858 01:28:02,600 --> 01:28:06,679 enough time for residents to prepare for 1859 01:28:04,600 --> 01:28:09,000 a meeting that could affect their 1860 01:28:06,679 --> 01:28:11,440 property use their property values the 1861 01:28:09,000 --> 01:28:15,760 health of their families and animals and 1862 01:28:11,439 --> 01:28:15,759 the environment is this what you call 1863 01:28:16,079 --> 01:28:21,279 transparency so my point is you had the 1864 01:28:18,840 --> 01:28:24,119 agenda items today you release the 1865 01:28:21,279 --> 01:28:26,118 agenda and you say but there's no packet 1866 01:28:24,118 --> 01:28:29,158 so you've had that 1867 01:28:26,118 --> 01:28:31,319 agenda who's responsible for ensuring 1868 01:28:29,158 --> 01:28:33,960 the documentation is submitted on time 1869 01:28:31,319 --> 01:28:36,399 for the agenda and if there's a strict 1870 01:28:33,960 --> 01:28:39,279 deadline for agenda submissions someone 1871 01:28:36,399 --> 01:28:41,879 didn't meet it so who's accountable for 1872 01:28:39,279 --> 01:28:43,319 that I'm requesting that you cancel the 1873 01:28:41,880 --> 01:28:46,000 meeting for tomorrow night and this is 1874 01:28:43,319 --> 01:28:48,158 the reason why I hate to see meetings 1875 01:28:46,000 --> 01:28:50,000 being cancelled but you didn't follow 1876 01:28:48,158 --> 01:28:52,519 your own rules about transparency and 1877 01:28:50,000 --> 01:28:54,600 deadlines and the short notice does not 1878 01:28:52,520 --> 01:28:57,080 give residents enough time to review the 1879 01:28:54,600 --> 01:28:59,560 documentation or prepare for the agenda 1880 01:28:57,079 --> 01:29:01,238 items even if you release the missing 1881 01:28:59,560 --> 01:29:03,600 documentation tomorrow morning that 1882 01:29:01,238 --> 01:29:05,959 still isn't enough time for residents to 1883 01:29:03,600 --> 01:29:08,639 engage meaningfully and many residents 1884 01:29:05,960 --> 01:29:10,239 may not even realize there's a meeting 1885 01:29:08,639 --> 01:29:13,520 because you didn't announce it until 1886 01:29:10,238 --> 01:29:15,039 late this afternoon so I would request 1887 01:29:13,520 --> 01:29:17,080 that you do that I think that's only 1888 01:29:15,039 --> 01:29:19,039 fair and it's in alignment with 1889 01:29:17,079 --> 01:29:21,000 everything else that you've talked about 1890 01:29:19,039 --> 01:29:24,158 transparency and another thing that 1891 01:29:21,000 --> 01:29:25,960 people need to know why Hogan Road is 1892 01:29:24,158 --> 01:29:27,960 concerned uh one of the other things 1893 01:29:25,960 --> 01:29:30,480 that they're concerned about many people 1894 01:29:27,960 --> 01:29:34,239 don't know that the Planning Commission 1895 01:29:30,479 --> 01:29:37,319 is looking to add another 160 acres to 1896 01:29:34,238 --> 01:29:40,279 the solar overlay map and that's going 1897 01:29:37,319 --> 01:29:43,920 to be right on Hogan Road it will be on 1898 01:29:40,279 --> 01:29:47,279 both sides of lynen Road and that 1899 01:29:43,920 --> 01:29:49,920 traffic and that uh the construction 1900 01:29:47,279 --> 01:29:52,759 everything is going to impact Hogan Road 1901 01:29:49,920 --> 01:29:54,440 even more so now the resident should 1902 01:29:52,760 --> 01:29:56,679 know and this is what's on the agenda 1903 01:29:54,439 --> 01:29:59,118 tomorrow night is looking at even more 1904 01:29:56,679 --> 01:30:01,399 land that's south of there people need 1905 01:29:59,118 --> 01:30:03,839 to know what's on this agenda they don't 1906 01:30:01,399 --> 01:30:06,399 know and I'm asking you in light of 1907 01:30:03,840 --> 01:30:10,199 transparency to be fair cancel the 1908 01:30:06,399 --> 01:30:10,198 meeting for tomorrow night thank 1909 01:30:16,460 --> 01:30:21,520 [Music] 1910 01:30:17,960 --> 01:30:23,118 you let's do that in case somebody else 1911 01:30:21,520 --> 01:30:24,880 I hope that you guys will discuss this 1912 01:30:23,118 --> 01:30:28,399 cuz that's 1913 01:30:24,880 --> 01:30:28,400 is there is there anybody 1914 01:30:29,719 --> 01:30:34,079 else nobody else all 1915 01:30:34,600 --> 01:30:41,800 right I'm looking for a motion for to 1916 01:30:38,238 --> 01:30:41,799 adjourn meeting I make a 1917 01:30:42,000 --> 01:30:48,039 motion a 1918 01:30:44,158 --> 01:30:51,158 second all in favor I 1919 01:30:48,039 --> 01:30:55,359 I all 1920 01:30:51,158 --> 01:30:55,359 right thank you 1921 01:31:01,880 --> 01:31:07,359 thank sayfe drive 1922 01:31:04,118 --> 01:31:10,198 home hey stop have any snowball fights 1923 01:31:07,359 --> 01:31:10,198 along the way 1924 01:31:12,760 --> 01:31:16,039 okay tried 1925 01:31:20,840 --> 01:31:28,199 it oh that Z and you need to understand 1926 01:31:25,560 --> 01:31:29,320 that and you cannot sit here and let me 1927 01:31:28,198 --> 01:31:32,238 be 1928 01:31:29,319 --> 01:31:34,238 ATT that I'm not 1929 01:31:32,238 --> 01:31:37,519 doing how are 1930 01:31:34,238 --> 01:31:37,519 you I'm 1931 01:31:48,359 --> 01:31:51,759 okays all the